Cha Cha Sway

Rob Fowler (ES) - December 2024
Cha Cha Sway - Jose Reazze : (available on:

(1 Restart – Wall 6)

Intro: 16 counts (approx. 8s)

S1 [1-9]: Side L, Rock Back R, Recover, R Shuffle Fwd, Step Fwd L, Pivot ¼ R, L Cross Samba
1,2,3Step L to L side, rock back on R, recover weight on L
4&5Step forward on R, step L next to R (&), step forward on R
6,7Step forward on L, make ¼ turn R (weight on R) 3:00
8&1Cross step L over R, rock R out to R side (&), recover weight on L

S2 [10-17]: Cross R, Back L, Hip Sway R/L, Side R, Step L, R Shuffle Fwd
2,3Cross step R over L, step back on L
4,5Small step R to R side swaying hips R, sway hips L
6,7Step R to R side, step L next to R
8&1Step forward on R, step L next to R (&), step forward on R 3:00

S3 [18-25]: Rock Fwd L, Recover, L Shuffle ½ L, Step Fwd R, Pivot ¼ L With Flick, R Cross Shuffle
2,3Rock forward on L, recover weight on R
4&5Make ¼ turn L stepping L to L side, step R next to L (&), make ¼ turn L stepping forward on L 9:00
6,7Step forward on R, make ¼ turn L transferring weight on to L and flick R out to R side 6:00
8&1Cross step R over L (*), step L to L side (&), cross step R over L
RESTART: (*) See note below about RESTART here during WALL 6

S4 [26-32]: L Side Rock, Recover, L Behind-Side-Cross, Hold, Ball Cross, Step R ¼ R
2,3Rock L out to L side, recover weight on R
4&5Step L behind R, step R to R side (&), cross step L over R
6&7Hold, step ball of R to R side (&), cross step L over R
8Make ¼ turn R stepping forward on R 9:00

Start Over

RESTART: (*) During WALL 6 dance up to and including count 8 of section 3 (cross step R over L) then RESTART the dance facing 3:00