Country Rindu Lukisan

Miske Findriani Paduli (INA) - December 2024
Rindu Lukisan - Tantowi Yahya

* Intro: 32C * 1 Restart (after 24C on wall 6, facing 06:00) * No Tag

Section 1 Scissor Step, Hold - Vine Left
1-4Step R to side, L together, cross R over L, hold
5-8Step L to side, R behind L, L to side, cross R over L

Section 2 Scissor Step, Hold - Turn ¼ R Vine Right (ending with Brush)
1-4Step L to side, R together, cross L over R, hold
5-8Step R to side, L behind R, turn ¼ R step R forward, L brush forward (03:00)

Section 3 Pivot ¼ R - Cross, Hold - Turn ¼ L Back, Turn ½ L Forward - Walk Forward (R,L)
1-2Step L forward, turn ¼ R (06:00)
3-4Cross L over R, hold
5-6Turn ¼ L step R back (03:00), turn ½ L step L forward (09:00)
7-8Walk forward on R, walk forward on L (Restart here on Wall 6, facing 06:00)

Section 4 Box
1-4Step R to side, L together, R back, touch L beside R
5-8Step L to side, R together, L forward, touch R beside L Thank you