Roun' We Go

High Improver
Anthony Ferrara (USA) - November 2024
Cowboy Up - Kaylee Bell

#8 ct intro, start dance at “we were in love”
Notes: 0 Tags, 1 Restart: 24 counts into Wall 4
Restart happens at: 1:09 — at lyrics “don’t tie me down”

[1-8] Heel, Toe, Full turn, Step, Shuffle, ¼ Turn, Hitch, Step
1,2Place right heel forward (1) Point left toe back (2)
3&4Full turn over left (3&) Step left (4)
5&6Shuffle forward RLR
7,8&Step L ¼ turn R (7) (3:00) Hitch right knee up (8) Step R foot down (&)

[9-16] Vine right, Cross shuffle, Rock ¼ turn, Coaster step, V step
1&2&Step left behind right (1) Step R side (&) Cross L over R (2) Quick step R to L (&)
3&4&Cross shuffle LRL (3&4) Rock back on R and ¼ turn (&) (6:00)
5&6Step L back (5) Bring R together with L (&) Step L forward (6)
&7&8Step R out (&) Step L out (7) Step R in (&) Step L in (8)

[17-24] Wizard right, Step ½ pivot, Wizard left, Cross unwind
1,2&Step Right (1) Lock L behind R (2) Step R (&)
3,4Step Left forward (3) 1/2 Turn over R (4) (12:00)
5,6&Step Left (5) Lock R behind L (6) Step L(&)
7,8Cross R over left (7) Unwind 3/4 Left (8) (3:00)
**restart here Wall 4**

[25-32] Sailor step x2, ¼ Turn anchor step, Chug walks
1&2Step R behind L (1) Step L next to R (&) Step R forward (2)
3&4Step L behind R (3) Step R next to L (&) Step L forward (4)
5&6Step R behind L and pop left knee with a ¼ turn R (5) (6:00) Step on L and pop R knee (&) Step on R and pop left knee (6)
7,8&Walk L forward and pop R knee (7) Walk R forward and pop L knee (8) step on L to change weight (&)
