Better By Myself

Jason Turner (USA) & Brandon Zahorsky (USA) - November 2024
Better By Myself - Jamie Miller

Count In: 2 Counts.

[1 - 8] R Fwd Diagonal, Clap, L Fwd Diagonal, Clap, R Coaster Step, ¼ Pivot R, Behind-SideTouch
1&2&Step R to R fwd diagonal (1), Clap (&), Step L to L fwd diagonal (2), Clap (&)
3&4Step R back (3), Step L next to R (&), Step R fwd (4)
5,6Step L fwd (5), ¼ turn over R shoulder taking weight to R (6)
7&8Cross L over R (7), Step R to R side (&), Touch L behind R (8)

[9 - 16] ½ Turn Unwind w/ Knee Pops, L Coast Step, RL Fwd Hip Push, R Fwd Kick, L Out, R Out
1&2Pop both knees fwd making ¼ turn L (1), Recover weight even (&), Pop both knees fwd making ¼ turn L (2)
3&4Step L back (3), Step R next to L (&), Step L fwd (4)
5,6Push R hip to R fwd diagonal taking weight to R (5), Push L hip to L fwd diagonal taking weight to L (6)
7&8Kick R fwd (7), Step R to R side (&), Step L to L side (8)
Restarts Both Restarts happen here - Wall 2 facing 3 O’clock - Wall 5 facing 12 O’clock

[17 - 24] R Cross Rock, R Sweep, Behind-Side-Cross, ½ Hinge, L Cross Triple
12Cross R over L (1), Recover weight to L while sweeping R front to back (2)
3&4Cross R behind L (3), Step L to L side (&), Cross R over L (4)
5,6Step L back making ¼ turn R (5), Step R to R side making ¼ turn R (6)
7&8Cross L over R (7), Step R to R side (&), Cross L over R (8)

[25 - 32] R Side Touch w/ Hips, Behind-¼ Turn L-R Fwd Step, ½ Pivot, Full Triple Turn
1&2Touch R to R side while popping R hip upward (1), Drop R hip back to L (&), Pop R hip upward (2)
3&4Cross R behind L (3), Step L fwd making ¼ turn L (&), Step R fwd (4)
5,6Step L fwd (5), ½ turn over R shoulder taking weight to R (6)
7&8Step L back making ½ turn over R shoulder (7), Step R to R side making ¼ turn R (&), Step L fwd making ¼ turn R (8) (Easy option: Triple forward instead of turning - L, R, L)

4 Count Tag End of Wall 3 - Facing 9 O’clock - V Step with Snaps
1&2&Step R to R Diagonal (1), Snap (&), Step L to L fwd diagonal (2), Snap (&)
3&4&Step R back (3), Snap (&), Step L back (4), Snap (&)