Nothing But A Liar

Steve Rutter (UK), Claire Rutter (UK), Pat Stott (UK) & Charlotte Oulton (UK) - November 2024
Liar - Jelly Roll

(NO Tags or Restarts)

Intro: 8 counts (approx. 4s) – Start on vocals

S1 [1-8] Side R, Hold, Ball Side, Touch, Sway L, Sway R, ¼ L, ½ L.
1,2&3,4Step R to R side, hold, step L next to R (&), step R to R side, touch L next to R
5Small step L to L side swaying weight on to L and looking to L diagonal
6Sway weight on to R looking to R diagonal
7Make ¼ turn L stepping forward on L [9:00]
8Make ½ turn L stepping back on R [3:00]

S2 [9-16] Back L, Drag R, Step R, Touch L, Back L, Touch R, Back R, Touch L, Sway Fwd/Back/Fwd
1,2Step back on L, drag R towards L (weight stays on L)
&3Step R next to L (&), touch L slightly forward
&4Small step back on L (&), touch R slightly forward
&5Small step back on R (&), touch L slightly forward
6,7,8Sway hips forward L, sway hips back R, sway hips forward L with slight hitch of R knee [3:00]

S3 [17-24] ¼ L, Hold, L Behind-Side-Cross, ¼ L, Hold, L Sailor
1,2Make ¼ turn L stepping R to R side, hold [12:00]
3&4Step L behind R, step R to R side (&), cross L over R
5,6Make ¼ turn L stepping R to R side, hold [9:00]
7&8Step L behind R, step R to R side (&), step L to L side

S4 [25-32] Skate R, Skate L, R Diag Shuffle, Skate L, Skate R, L Diag Shuffle
1,2Skate forward on R, skate forward on L
3&4Step R slightly to R diagonal, step L next to R (&), step R slightly to R diagonal
5,6Skate forward on L, skate forward on R
7&8Step L slightly to L diagonal, step R next to L (&), step L slightly to L diagonal

S5 [33-40] R Side Rock/Recover, Step R, L Side Rock/Recover, Step L, Modified Monterey ½ R
1,2&Rock R out to R side, recover weight on L, step R next to L (&)
3,4&Rock L out to L side, recover weight on R, step L next to R (&)
5,6Touch R to R side, make ½ turn R stepping R next to L [3:00]
7&8Rock L out to L side, recover weight on R (&), cross L over R

S6 [41-48] Travelling Hip Bumps Fwd, Paddle ¾ L, Touch R
1&2Step forward on R bumping hips forward, back (&), forward
3&4Step forward on L bumping hips forward, back (&), forward
5Keeping weight on L touch R toes to floor to push off into ¼ turn L [12:00]
6Keeping weight on L touch R toes to floor to push off into ¼ turn L [9:00]
7Keeping weight on L touch R toes to floor to push off into ¼ turn L [6:00]
8Touch R next to L

S7 [49-56] Walk R, Walk L, R Shuffle Fwd, Step L, Pivot ½ R, L Shuffle Fwd
1,2Walk forward on R, walk forward on L
(option for count 1: point forward with R arm on the word “you” when you hear the lyric
“You won’t find nobody to love” during wall 1 and wall 3)
3&4Step forward on R, step L next to R (&), step forward on R
5,6Step forward on L, make ½ turn R (weight forward on R) [12:00]
7&8Step forward on L, step R next to L (&), step forward on L

S8 [57-64] Walk R, Walk L, R Shuffle Fwd, Step L, Pivot ½ R, Triple Fwd Full Turn R
1,2Walk forward on R, walk forward on L
3&4Step forward on R, step L next to R (&), step forward on R
5,6Step forward on L, make ½ turn R (weight forward on R) [6:00]
7&8Make ½ turn R stepping back on L, step R next to L (&), make ½ turn R stepping forward on L
(option for counts 7&8: L shuffle forward)

ENDING: The music finishes during Wall 6. Dance up to and including count 2 of S7 then step forward on R.
As you step forward, place your right index finger horizontally across crease of chin. Then move your right finger up and over to R diagonal. For further clarification of BSL (British Sign Language) for “Liar” please see the choreographer’s video and/or checkout the following website

Steve & Claire Rutter:
Pat Stott:
Charlotte Oulton:

Last Update: 22 Nov 2024