Rainy Night

Absolute Beginner
Lisa-John Grove (USA) - 13 July 2023
I Love a Rainy Night - Eddie Rabbitt
Trashy Women - Confederate Railroad

Section 1: Toe Struts 4X
1-2Step forward on R toe, drop R heel
3-4Step forward on L toe, drop L heel
5-6Step forward on R toe, drop R heel
7-8Step forward on L toe, drop L heel

Section 2: ¼ R Turning K Step
1-2Step R diagonally forward, touch left foot next to right foot 3-4 Step L back to center, touch R next to left foot
5-6Turn ¼ R, touch L next to R foot
7-8Step L to L side, touch R next to L

Section 3: R Grapevine with Touch; L Grapevine with Brush
1-2Step R to right side, step L behind R, step R to right side
4Touch L next to right foot
5-7Step L to left side, step R behind L, step L to left side
8Brush R foot fwd

Section 4: R Rocking Chair 2X
1- 2Rock forward on R, recover back on L foot
3-4Rock backward on R, recover back on L foot
5-6Rock forward on R, recover back on L foot
7-8Rock backwa rd on R, recover back on L foot

Submittede by: Pat Grillo - Email: patgrillo1@gmail.com