Jessica Hume (USA) - November 2024
JELLY (feat. Cory Wong) - Brother Strut
#16-Count Intro, Start On Lyrics
No Tags, 1 Restart
S1: Diag. Step-touches, Side Point, Shoulder Switches
1&2&3&4& -Step-touch moving forward alternating diagonals R-L-R-L (both hands crossed in the air above head groove this part)
5,6 –Step RF to R, Cross behind with LF to R only touching toe down while pointing with hands to R
7&8& -Step L with LF, transferring weight and shoulder dip to L, then R, then L, then R (weight ends on R)
S2: 2x Walk, Mambo, ½ Triple, Heel Split
1,2 –Walk forward diag. (10:30) L-R
3&4 –Mambo step forward on L, back on R, step back on L
5&6 –Turning 5/8 over R shoulder to back wall (6:00) while stepping R-L-R
7&8 –Step L next to R, swivel both heels outward, then swivel both heels back together
S3: Shoulder Flicks, Travolta Arms
1,2 –Step RF to R while turning head over left shoulder to look behind you, flick L shoulder outward with R hand
3,4 –Transfer weight to L while turning head over R shoulder to look behind you, flick R shoulder outward with L hand **RESTART HERE ON WALL 6 FACING 9:00**
5 –Step RF to R while raising R arm straight into the air above you
6 –Cross LF behind RF for toe touch while lowering R arm and raising L arm into the air
7 –Uncross LF to step L while lowering L arm and raising R arm into the air
8 –Cross RF behind LF for toe touch while lowering R arm and pointing L arm straight to L side
S4: 4x Walk (or Skate) ¾ Turn, Heel-Toe-Heel, Surf
1,2,3,4 –Walk in a ¾ turn over R shoulder (to 3:00) R-L-R-L (these can be skating steps for extra style)
5&6 –Step RF down next to LF with R heel already turned outward, swivel R toe out to R, swivel R heel out to R
7&8 –With feet now about shoulder width apart, crouch slightly in a surfing pose with hands out for balance bouncing slightly twice, on the third bounce bring both feet together with straight posture and both hands in the air to start the dance again!
Restart on Wall 6 facing 9:00 after 20 counts
Created October 2024, Uploaded November 2024
Submitted by Jessica Hume & John Hume –