Wanna Know

Kusnadi Noviar (INA) - November 2024
Naked - BEXAR

No Tag, 1 Restart – Rolling 8 Count
Intro: 32 count, around 15 second
Start on Lyric / Vocal / Word “Behind”

Restart after 4 count On W5 (12:00), Add Change Step & then restart (W5 only 4 count and change step, then Restart)

#1 Full Spiral Turn L, Serpiente R, R Twinkle, Wave R, ¼ Turn R, Serpiente L, Diamond ½ L
1-2Step RF fwd and spin a full turn L (1), stepping fwd on LF with sweep RF from back to front (2) [12:00]
3&aStep RF in front of LF (2), rock LF to L side (&), recover onto RF (a)
4&aCross LF over RF (4), step RF to R side (&), Cross RF behind LF(a)
(Change Step here On wall 5. Add the following then restart)
4&aCross LF over RF (4), step RF to R side (&),Step LF a little fwd (a) then Restart)
5¼ Turn R-RF fwd, while sweep LF to the front (3:00)
6-a7Cross/Step LF over RF, Step RF slightly back to 1/8 L turning (1:30), Step LF slightly back to 1/8 L turning (12:00),
a8-aStep RF slightly back to 1/8 L turning (10:30), Step LF slightly fwd to 1/8 L turning (9:00), RF ball step next to LF

#2 ¼ Turn L-LF Step Fwd, Serpiente R, R Twinkle, Prissy Walk LRL, Serpiente R, R Twinkle, Weave R, R Side Lunge, Recover, ¼ L Turn
1Make ¼ turn L stepping fwd on LF-RF sweep from back to front (1) [6:00]
2&aStep RF in front of LF (2), rock LF to L side (&), recover onto RF (a)
3-5Stepping fwd on LF- RF sweep from back to front (3), Stepping RF fwd cross over LF-LF sweep from back to front (4), Stepping LF fwd cross over RF- RF sweep from back to front(5)
6&aStep RF in front of LF (6), rock LF to L side (&), recover onto RF (a)
7&aCross LF over RF (7), step RF to R side (&), cross LF behind RF (a),
8aLunge RF to R side-weight on RF-looking to R (9:00) (8), Recover onto LF and turn ¼ L (3:00)


Ending on Wall 13, doing L turn for facing 12:00

Passions, Healthy and Happy Dance
Happy Dancing!