George's Book
Lars Kuif (NL) - October 2024
The Book - George Strait
Info : Starts after 16 counts
[1 – 8] Diag. Step-Lock-Step, Brush, Diag. Step-Lock-Step, Hitch
1&2R to R diag. fwd. (1), lock L behind R (&), R to R diag. fwd. (2)
&Brush L fwd. (&)
3&4L to L diag. fwd. (3), lock R behind L (&), L to L diag. fwd. (4)
&Hitch R knee (&)
5&6&R to R diag. back (5), touch L next to R (&), L to L diag. back (6) touch R next to L (&)
7&8&R to R diag. back (7), touch L next to R (&), L to L diag. back (8) touch R next to L (&) [12.00]
[9 – 16] Coaster Step, ½ Pivot R, (Side Rock, Cross)2x
1&2R back (1), L next to R (&), R fwd. (2)
3&4L fwd. (3), ½ turn R + weight to RF (&), L fwd. (4) [06.00]
5&6Rock R to side (5), recover to LF (&), R across L (6)
7&8Rock L to side (7), recover to RF (&), L across R (8)
[17 – 24] Chassé R, ¼ L, Chassé L, ¼ L Chassé R, ½ Shuffle Turn L
1&2R to side (1), L next to R (&), R to side (2)
3&4¼ L stepping L to side (3), R next to L (&), L to side (4) [03.00]
5&6¼ L stepping R to side (5), L next to R (&), R to side (6) [12.00]
7&8¼ L stepping L to side (7), R next to L (&), ¼ L stepping L fwd. (8) [06.00]
[25 – 32] (Weave, Side Rock, Cross) R+L
1&2&R to side (1), L behind R (&), R to side (2), L across R (&)
3&4Rock R to side (3), recover to LF (&), R across L (4)
5&6&L to side (5), R behind L (&), L to side (6), R across L (&)
7&8Rock L to side (7), recover to R (&), L across R (8) [06.00]
Dance wall 5 (starts facing 12.00) up to count 16 and restart facing 06.00
YouTube: @LarsKuifLineDance
YouTube: @Learn2LineDance