Pat Stott (UK) - September 2024
Quicksand (feat. Rianne Downey) - Paul Heaton
Intro: 16c
Side, close, forward, hold, side, close, side, hold
1-4.Right to right, close left to right, right forward, hold
5-8.Left to left, close right to left, left to left, hold
Back, recover, extended vine right
1-2rock back on right, recover on left
3-8.Right to right, left behind, right to right, Left over right, right to right, cross left behind right (extended vine)
Side, rock, cross, hold & clap, turn 1/4 right stepping back on left, right to right, cross left over right, hold & clap
1-4.Rock right to right, recover on left, cross right over left, hold & clap
5-8.Turn 1/4 right stepping back on left, right to right, cross left over right, hold & clap
Side, rock, behind, side, rock, behind, side, rock.
1-3.Rock right to right, recover on left, cross right behind left
4-6.Rock left to left, recover on right, cross left behind right
7-8.Rock right to right, recover onto left
Tag 1 (4 counts)
1-4.Rock hips - stepping to right, left, right, left
Tag 2 (12 counts)
1-8.Rumba box ; right to right, close left to right, right forward, hold, left to left, close right to left, back on left, hold
9-12.Rock hips - stepping to right, left, right, left (tag 1)
32, 32,(tag1), 32, (tag 1), 32, (tag 2)
32, 32,(tag 1), 32 (tag 1), 32, (tag 2)
32, 32,(tag 1), 32, (tag 1), 31 ending with stomps - left, right (beats 30 & 31)
Choreographers note:
Tags are easy to hear and the 12 count tags are both facing 12 o’clock
Finishes at 12 o’clock on beats 30, 31 (stomp on left, stomp on right)