Moonlight Kiss Kiss
Héloïse CAVALIER BOUDET (FR) - September 2024
moonlight (kali uchis) (sped up version) - sped up viral & Kali Uchis
No tag, no restart
Intro : 4 sec (dance starts right away with vocals)
S1 > Rock R, Vine R, shuffle forward L, Mambo R
1, 2Right foot forward, Recover on left foot
3 & 4Right foot to right side, Left foot behind right foot, Right foot to right side
5 & 6Left foot forward, Close right foot beside left foot, Left foot forward
7 & 8Right foot forward, Recover on left foot, Right foot back
S2 > Twist L, Shuffle back L, ¼ turn R, ¼ turn R, Cross, back, touch
& 1Turn both heels on the left, turn both heels back in a parallel position
2 & 3Left foot back, Close right foot beside left foot, Left foot back
4, 51/4 turn to the right with the right foot forward; ¼ turn to the right with the left foot to left side
6, 7, 8Cross right foot in front of left foot, Left foot back, tap right toe beside left foot
Repeat & have fun 🙂
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