Do a Little Damage AB

Absolute Beginner
Mathew Sinyard (UK) - July 2024
Do a Little Damage - The Wet Whistles

Intro: Start on lyrics (approx. 3 seconds)
No tags or restarts

Section 1 Grapevine Right Touch, Side Kick With Clap, Side Kick With Clap.
1 2 3 4Step right to side, cross left behind right, step right to the side, touch left beside right.
5 6Step left to side, kick right across left, clap hands.
7 8Step right to side, kick left across right, clap hands.

Section 2 Grapevine ¼ Left Brush, Step Kick, Back Touch.
1 2 3 4Step left to side, cross right behind left, ¼ turn left stepping forward on left, brush right beside left.
5 6Step forward on right, kick left.
7 8Step back on left, touch right beside left.

Section 3 Right Shuffle Back, Hold, Back Rock, Recover, Step Point.
1 2 3 4Step back on right, close left beside right, step back on right, hold.
5 6Rock back on left, recover on to right.
7 8Step forward on left, point right to side.

Section 4 Step Point, Step Point, Jazz Box Cross
1 2Step right forward, point left to side.
3 4Step forward on left, point right to the side.
5 6 7 8Cross right in front of left, step back on left, step right to side, cross left in front of right.

Optional ending: on wall 10 change the last for counts to jazz box ½ turn to finish at 12:00

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