Street Samba
Sandy Kerrigan (AUS) - August 2024
Boom - Alex Wilson & MC Magico : (iTunes)
Susurro Riddim - LASTMONDAY : (iTunes)
Dance Info: Dance starts wt on Left/Dance starts 16 counts in-Both Versions
BPM [98:] Track Length 2:10 – No Tags or restarts using Boom
Susurro Riddim has 2 restarts-Walls 2 and 5 at count 16- BPM [190:]
Right Side Whisk, Left side Whisk, Right Botafogo, Left Botafogo 12:00
1 a 2Push R to R Side, Ball of L behind R, Replace R to R Side
3 a 4Push L to L Side, Ball of R behind L, Replace L to L Side
5 a 6Cross R over L, Push Ball of L to L Side, Push/Step R to R Side(natural diagonal)
7 a 8Cross L over R, Push Ball of R to R Side, Push/Step L to L Side
Press R Across, Swing R to Side with R Hitch, Back Coater Step, Press L Fwd (2 cnts), Behind, Side, Cross 12:00
1 2Press R over L, Replace wt to L-Hitching R out to R Side
3 a 4Step Back R, Step L next to R, Step R next to L
5 6Press L Fwd (2 counts-slow), optional styling: Latin arms across the body palms to your chest (body rub–palms on chest), or Rhythmic Body Tick**
7 a 8Cross L behind R, Step R to R Side, Cross L over R
[16] 2 Restarts here using: Susurro Riddim
½ Right Samba Diamond Fallaway, Back Samba Closed Step 6:00
1 a 2Cross R over L, Step L to L Side, 1/8th R Step Back on R
3 a 4Step Back on L, 1/8th R Step R to R 3:00, 1/8th R Step Fwd L
5 a 6Step Fwd R, 1/8th R to 6:00 Step L to L Side, Step Back on R 6:00
7 a 8Step Ball of L together, Step R next to L(Samba Bounce)6:00
Cross, Side, Point R out, Step Back, Cross, Step Side, Point L Out, Step Back, 1/8th R-Cross Hold, 3/8th R-Ball Cross, ¼ R-Step Side, Hitch R over L (Compact Volta Turn) 3:00
1 a 2 aCross R over L, Step L to L, Point R out to R Side (slightly fwd), Step Back on R
3 a 4Cross L over R, Step R to R Side, Point L out to L Side (slightly fwd)
a 5 6Step Back on L, Turning 1/8th R-Cross R over L Hold (Volta turn R to 3:00)
a 7Turning 3/8th R to 12:00-Bring Ball of L to L Side, Cross over L
a 8Turning ¼ R to 3:00-Step L to L side, Hitch R across your body
Note: There are 2 restarts at count 16 when using Susurro Riddiim, noted above.
When dancing the whisks, closed fists, pump your fists fwd and back at chest height, use your own styling throughout the dance.
Section 2: cnts 5 6-L Press Fwd 2 counts: Styling above**