Boot Scootin' Boogie (Ft. Smith, AR)
Unknown - August 2024
Boot Scootin' Boogie - Brooks & Dunn
Don't Take Her She's All I Got - Tracy Byrd
We Ain't The Only Ones - Randy Rogers & Wade Bowen
No Tags or Restarts
Section 1 – Heel Touches, Heel Split, Stomps
1-2Touch R heel forward to the right diagonal, Return to center with weight
3-4Touch L heel forward to the left diagonal, Return to center with weight
5-6Split heels apart, Bring heels back together with weight on L
7-8Stomp R foot two times
Section 2 – Vine Right, Vine Left
1-8Vine right with a touch or brush, Vine left with a touch or brush
Section 3 – Forward Walk, 1/2 Turn, Forward Walk, Touch
1-4Walk forward (R, L, R), Swing L around into a 1/2 turn over right shoulder
5-8Walk forward (L, R, L), Touch R next to L
Step Sheet Uploaded by Red Bandana Line Dancing
People in our area have been doing this dance since the 90s, but no one knows where it originated so we thought we would honor it with a step sheet and videos.
Facebook and YouTube: Red Bandana Line Dancing