Junghye Yoon (KOR) & Christie Lim (MY) - July 2024
Celebrities - Karma Child
Dance starts after 16 counts
S1: Cross point, Point Side, Cross point, Step side, ¼ turn (3x), Step together
1 2Point Rf over Lf, Point Rf to R side
3 4Point Rf over Lf, Big step R to side
5 6¼ turn R point Lf to side, 1/4 turn R point Lf to side
7 8¼ turn R point Lf to side, Step Lf next to Rf
S2: Fwd, Recover, Change weight (2x) Shuffle fwd (2x), Step fwd, Step together
1 2 &Step Rf fwd, Step back on Lf, Step Rf next to Lf
3 4 &Step Lf fwd, Step back on Rf, Step Lf next to Rf
5 & 6 &Step Rf fwd, step Lf next to Rf, step Rf fwd, step Lf next to Rf
7 8Step Rf fwd, step Lf next to Rf
S3: Half Monterey ½ turn, Side shuffle, Weave, ¼ Turn Shuffle fwd
1 2Point Rf to R, ½ turn R Rf next to Lf
3 & 4Step Lf to L, Close Rf next to Lf, Step Lf to L
5 6Step to R side, Step Lf behind Rf
7 & 8¼ turn R step Rf fwd, Step Lf next to Rf, step Rf fwd
S4: Diagonal Fwd, Touch, ¼ Turn diagonal Bck, Touch, Walk with ¼ turn L (3x), Hitch
1 2Step Lf Diagonal fwd, Touch Rf next to Lf
3 4Step Rf L diagonal bck ¼ turn, Touch Lf next to Rf (03:00)
5 6¼ Turn L step Lf fwd, ¼ Turn L step RF fwd
7 8¼ Turn L step Lf fwd, Hitch Rf
For any questions contact
Christie Lim: chrislimlc33@gmail.com
Junghye Yoon: aromi425@hanmail.net
Last Update: 12 Jul 2024