Dam-Da-Di (담다디)
Ahn Sung Hee (KOR) - June 2024
Dam-Da-Di (담다디) - Sumida Aiko (스미다 아이코) & Kim Da Hyun (김다현)
Intro : 32 counts.
Sequence : A-B-B-B(16c & restart)-B-A-A-B-B-B(16c & restart)-B-A-A-A(8c)
Part A-32counts
[1-8] Side Hip Bump R,L,R,L With Flick x2
1-4Step RF to R Side Hip Bomp R,L,R,L with flick LF
5-8Step LF in place Hip Bump R,L,R,L with flick RF
[9-16] Forward Hip Bump R,L,R,L With Flick x2
1-4Step RF forward Hip Bump R,L,R,L with flick LF
5-8Step LF in place Hip Bump R,L,R,L with flick RF
[17-24] Side Shuffle,1/4 Turn L Side Shuffle x3
1&2Step RF to R side,step LF beside RF,step RF to R side
3&41/4 turn L Step LF to L side,step RF beside LF,step LF to L side
5&61/4 turn L Step RF to R side,step LF beside RF,step RF to R side
7&81/4 turn L Step LF to L side,step RF beside LF,step LF to L side
[25-32] Cross Point,Side Point,Sailor,Cross Point,Side Point,1/4 Turn L Sailor
1-2, 3&4Point RF cross over LF,point RF to R side,step RF behind LF,step LF to L side,step RF slightly forward
5-6, 7&8Point LF cross over RF,point LF to L side,step LF behind RF,1/4 turn L step RF to R side,step LF slightly forward
Part B-32counts
[1-8] Side,Hold,Hip Bump R,L,Weave
1-4Step RF to R side,hold,hip bump R,L
5-8Step RF to R side,step LF behind RF,step RF to R side, step LF cross over RF
[9-16] R Lindy,1/4 Turn L Forward,Full Turn,Scuff
1&2,3-4Step RF to R side,step LF beside RF,step RF to R side,Rock LF back,Recover RF
5-81/4 turn L step LF forward,1/2 turn L step RF back,1/2 turn L step LF forward,scuff RF
*Restart here:do the restart with 1/4 turn L
[17-24] Rocking Chair,Forward Shuffle R,L
1-4Rock RF forward,recover LF,rock RF back,recover LF
5&6,7&8Step RF forward,step LF beside RF,step RF forward, Step LF forward,step RF beside LF,step LF forward,
[25-32] Side Touch R,L,1/4 Turn L Side Touch R,L
1-4Step RF to R side,touch LF beside RF,step LF to L side,touch RF beside LF
5-81/4 turn L Step RF to R side,touch LF beside RF,step LF to L side,touch RF beside LF
Contact: daisyahn28@gmail.com
Last Update: 30 Jun 2024