The Huckle

Paul Cheevers (IRE) - June 2024
The Huckle buck - Brendan Bowyer & the Royal show band

Intro 32 count.

(1 – 8) Heel digs
1 – 2step right heel to the front bring back to centre.
3 – 4step left heel to the front bring back to centre.
5 – 6step right heel to the front bring back to centre.
7 – 8step left heel to the front bring back to centre.

(9 – 16) Heel struts x 4
9 – 10Step forward on right heel and press foot flat down.
11 – 12Step forward on left heel and press foot flat down
13 – 14Step forward on right heel and press foot flat down.
15 – 16Step forward on left heel and press foot flat down

(17 – 24) Rocking jazz box., stomp
17 – 18Cross right leg over left leg and rock heel twice,
19 – 20step left leg behind and rock heel twice
21 – 22ring right leg to the right side and rock heel twice.
23 – 24step left leg beside right leg stomp and hold.

(25 – 32) Step behind toe struts x 4
25 – 26Step right toe behind and heel press down turning right hip in same direction
27 – 28Step left toe behind and heel press down turning left hip in same direction
29 – 30Step right toe behind and heel press down turning right hip in same direction
31 – 32Step left toe behind and heel press down turning left hip in same direction

(32-40) rocking jazz box with quarter turn leg cross
33 – 34Cross right leg over left leg and rock heel twice.
35 – 36Step left leg behind and rock heel twice.
37 – 38Quarter turn to the right with right leg clockwise and rock right heel twice.
39 – 40step left leg across right leg and rock heel twice.

(41-48) Side twists with heel touches
41 – 44both heels together lift and twist both heels to the right, toes to the right, heels to the right, touch left heel with right hand.
45 - 48both heels together twist heels to the r, turn toes to the left, heels to the left, touch right heel behind with left hand.

(49-56) Side twists with heel touches
49 – 52both heels together twist heels to the right, toes to the right, heels to the right, touch left heel with right hand.
53 – 56Heels together twist heels to the left, toes to the left, heels to the left, touch right heel behind with left hand.
( Add a clap at end of each twist sequence

(Repeat dance)

Last Update - 7 Jun. 2024 - R1