Same Old Different Story

Susanne Mose Nielsen (DK) - May 2024
Same Old Different Story - Hush : (Album: Dark Horse - iTunes)

Intro: 32 sec. (82 counts) begin on vocal

Section 1: Step r – tap l toe, heel, toe – step l, hold , touch r, hold
1 – 4Step right to right, tap left toe beside right, tap left heel forward to left diagonal, tap left toe beside right
5 - 8Step left to left, hold, touch right beside left, hold

Section 2: 4 K-Step
9 - 12Step right forward to right diagonal, touch left beside right, Step left back to left diagonal, touch right beside left
13 - 16Step right back to right diagonal, touch left beside right, Step left forward to left diagonal, touch right beside left

Section 3: ¼ left turn, step r to right, l next to right, r to right, touch l, step left, touch r, step right touch l
17 - 19Turn ¼ left step right to right, step left next to right, step right to right, touch left beside right
20 - 24Step Step Step left to left, touch right beside left, step right to right, touch left beside right(3o*c(9 o’clock)

Section 4: ¼ left turn walk forward l, hold, walk, r hold, run x3, hold
25 - 28Turn ¼ left walk forward left, hold, walk forward right, hold
29 - 32Run left, right, left, hold (6 o’clock)


Last Update - 25 May 2024 - R1