I Miss Her
Jeongwha Lee (KOR) - May 2024
I Don't Think That I Like Her - Charlie Puth
Intro: 16 count
★Part A
Sec 1 Step, Swivel, Behind- Side-Cross(R), Step, Swivel, Behind- Side-Cross(L)
1 & 2Step R diagonal R fwd(1), swivel both heel to R(&), recover heels(2)
3 & 4Step R behind L(3), step L to L(&), across R over L(4)
5 & 6Step L diagonal L fwd(5), swivel both heel to L(&), recover heels(6)
7 & 8Step L behind R(7), step R to R(&), cross L over R(8)
Sec 2 Side, Diamond Fallaway 1/2 L, Scissor (R,L)
1 & 2Step R to R(1), turn 1/8 L stepping L back(&), step R back(2)
3 & 41/8 Turn L stepping L to L(3), 1/8 turn L stepping fwd R(&), step fwd L(4)
5 & 61/8 Turn L stepping R to R(5), close L next to R(&), cross R over L(6)
7 & 8Step L to L(7), close R next to L(&), cross L over R(8)
★Part B
Sec 1 Weave R, Side-Recover-Cross, 1/2 Turn R, 1/2 Turn L
1&2&Step R to R (1), step L behind R(&), step R to R (2), cross L over R(&)
3 & 4Step R to R(3), recover L(&), cross R over L(4)
5 & 61/4 Turn R stepping L back(5), 1/4 turn R stepping R to R(&), cross L over R(6)
7 & 81/4 Turn L stepping R back(7), 1/4 turn L stepping L to L(&), step R fwd(8)
Sec 2 Mambo, Coaster, Shuffle Fwd, 1/2 Pivot
1 & 2Step L fwd(1), recover R(&), step back L(2)
3 & 4Step back R(3), close L to R(&), step R fwd(4)
5 & 6Step L fwd(5), close R to L(&), step L fwd(6)
7 8Step R fwd(7), 1/2 turn L weigh on L(8)
Contact: jeongwhadmj@naver.com
Last Update: 11 May 2024