For the First Time
Eun Young NA (KOR) & Su Hean Chang (KOR) - March 2024
plot twist (첫 만남은 계획대로 되지 않아) - TWS (투어스)
Sequence : A,A,B, A,A,B, A,Tag, A
Part A – 32 count
S1: Skate, Skate, Shuffle, Skate, Skate, Shuffle
1-2RF skate forward, LF skate forward
3&4RF step forward into R diagonal, LF close next to RF, RF step forward
5-6LF skate forward, RF skate forward
7&8LF step forward into L diagonal, RF close next to LF, LF step forward
S2: Jazz Box, Forward, ½ Paddle Turn L
1-2RF cross over LF, LF step back
3-4RF step side, LF cross over RF
5-6RF Touch side, RF ¼ Paddle Turn L
7-8RF ¼ Paddle Turn L, RF Touch side
S3: Cross, Side, Behind, Touch, Cross, Side, Behind, Touch
1-2RF step cross, LF step side
3-4RF step behind, LF touch side
5-6LF step cross, RF step side
7-8LF step behind, RF touch side
S4: Hip Rock, Step Forward, Hitch, Step Back, Drag, Jump Out, Jump In
1-2RF rock Hip forward, LF recover
3-4RF step forward, LF Hitch
5-6LF step back, RF drag
7-8BF jump out, jump in
Part B – 32 count
S1: Stomp, Hold, Stomp, Hold, Heel Touch & Shaking(with Arms), hold
1-2RF stomp, hold – RA stretch and raise forward
3-4RF stomp, hold – RA stretch and raise forward _ RA Put fists together, raise arms in front of chest
5-8RF touch & Shaking 3 times, hold
_ BA Fold your arms in front of your chest & shake to the right and left
S2: Out, Out In, In, Stomp, Stomp Stomp(with Arms), Hold
1-2RF out, LF out
3-4RF in, LF, touch
5-8LF stomp, stomp, stomp(with Arms), hold
_ RA hammer your head(5c-7c)
S3: Step Back, Drag, Step Side ×4(with Arms)
1-4RF step back, LF drag, drag continu, LF together
5&6&RF step side, LF recover, RF step side, LF recover
7&8&RF step side, LF recover, RF step side, LF recover - Straighten right thumb and index finger to poke it 4 timees from top of Head to waist
S4: Rolling Turn(R), Rolling Turn(L)
1-2RF ¼ turn R(3:00), LF ½ turn R(9:00)
3-4RF ¼ turn R(12:00), LF touch together
5-8LF ¼ turn L(9:00), RF ½ turn L(3:00) LF ¼ turn L(12:00), RF touch together
Tag 4count(6:00)
1-4BA wave your hand, Right & Left “ Hello
Last Update - 29 Aug. 2024 - R2