Shelly Tudor (USA) & Alysa Sutfin (USA) - December 2023
Wildflower - The JaneDear Girls
no tags; 2 restarts
[ 1 - 8 ] Prissy Walk, Scuff Down and ½-turn over R-Shoulder
1, 2Step RF forward (1) Hold (2)
3, 4Step LF forward (3) Hold (4)
(Prissy Walk Styling: Slight Swivel walking or slinky cross-over steps in a straight-line)
5, 6Scuff Right Heel forward (5) landing R-toe backwards (6)
7, 8Pivot ½ turn over R-shoulder transferring weight to RF (7) Hold (8) [6:00]
[ 9 – 16 ] [Ball-Cross (Hold)] 2x; Side Rock-Recover; Behind – Side-Cross
&1, 2Step onto Ball of LF in place (&), cross RF over LF (1) Hold (2)
&3, 4Step onto Ball of LF in place (&), cross RF over LF (3) Hold (4)
5, 6Step (rock) LF to left (5) and recover weight back onto the RF (6)
7&8Step LF behind RF (7) step RF to Right (&) cross LF over RF (8) [6:00]
[ 17 – 24 ] [Ball-Cross (Hold)] 2x; Side Rock-Recover; [Behind-Side-Cross] ¼ turn
&1, 2Step onto Ball of RF in place (&), cross LF over RF (1) Hold (2)
&3, 4Step onto Ball of RF in place (&), cross LF over RF (3) Hold (4)
5, 6Step (rock) RF to right (5) and recover weight back onto the LF (6)
7&8Step RF behind LF (7) step LF to Left side (pointing toes toward 3:00 as a prep to the ¼ turn cross-over step) (&) cross RF over and in front of LF (taking weight onto the RF with toes pointing to 3:00 wall to complete the ¼ turn over the left shoulder) (8) [3:00]
[ 25 – 32 ] [Kick - & - Point] 2x (L then R leading); Curtsy-Unwind (Full Turn)
1&2Kick LF forward (1), replace LF next to RF taking weight (&), Point RF to right side (2)
3&4Kick RF forward (3), replace RF next to LF taking weight (&), Point LF to left side (4)
5, 6, 7, 8Cross LF behind RF hooking the LF toe next to the RF heel (5) Raise onto balls of both feet and slowly unwind full turn transferring weight onto LF (6, 7, 8) [3:00]
RESTARTS: Wall 3 and Wall 7 after 16 counts
Stepsheet Questions: BootsOnTheBeachDancing@gmail.com (www.kickstartcountry.com/services)
Choreo Questions: Shelly Tudor
Socials: #BootsOnTheBeach #KickStartCountry #BossLady #BossLadies
Last Update: 12 Feb 2025