Show me the Country
Kristin Clove (USA) - August 2023
Show Me The Country - Walker Hayes
#1st 8 Count
1,2,RF slide R, together LF
3step LF side L,
&4&RF heel in, RF toe in, Rf Heel
5,6Rf heel jack, LF heel jack
7,8kick RF to back, cross kick RF over LF
#2nd 8 Count
1,2Step RF 1/4 turn over R shoulder, step LF 1/4 turn to back wall
3,4lean back shake forearms behind to the R 2xs
5jump feet together
6step forward Rf 1/2 Pivot
7, 8hitch up R foot, 1-4 turn
*Restart wall 3
#3rd 8 Count
1,2,1/4 turn to back wall sticking out booty
3&4RF coaster step back
5&6RF Lock step
7&8LF Lock step
#4th 8 Count
1,2step RF side right together LF shaking shoulders
3&4LF 1/4 turn with triple step
5,6kick RF side R, kick LF side L
7,8RF 1/2 Pivot turn.
*1 restart (wall 3 count 16)
*1 (8) count Tag (after wall 5)
1234Turning grapevine R,
5678turning grapevine L
Step RF side R with 1/4 turn to back wall to repeat the dance.