Deep Conversations
Brendan Simoens (USA) - August 2023
Waffle House - Jonas Brothers
Tags/Restarts: 1 Restart
[1 - 8] Sailors Traveling Forward RL, Rock Recover, ½ Shuffle, ¼ Rock Recover
1&2Cross RF behind LF (1), Step LF to L side (&) Step RF forward (2)
3&4Cross LF behind RF (3), Step RF to R side (&), Rock forward on LF (4)
5,6&Recover weight onto RF (5), ¼ Turn L stepping LF to L side (6), Step RF next to LF (&)
7,8&¼ Turn L stepping LF forward (7), ¼ Turn L rocking RF out to R side (8), Recover weight onto LF (&)
[9 - 16] Cross Shuffle, Syncopated Points, ½ Turn Jazz Box
1&2Cross RF over LF (1), Step LF to L side (&), Cross RF over LF (2)
3&4Point LF to L side (3), Step LF next to RF (&), Point RF to R side (4)
5,6Cross RF over LF (5), ¼ Turn R stepping LF back (6)
7,8¼ Turn R stepping RF forward (7), Step LF to L side (8)
[17-24] Kick Cross Rock RL, Rock, Pony Back & Sweep
1&2&Kick RF forward (1), Cross RF over LF (&), Rock LF back (2), Recover onto RF (&)
3&4&Kick LF forward (3), Cross LF over RF (&), Rock RF back (4), Recover onto LF (&)
5,6&Rock RF forward (optional body roll) (5), Recover onto LF popping R knee (6), Step ball of RF next to LF (&)
7&8Step LF back popping R knee (7), Step ball of RF next to LF (&), Step LF back sweeping RF front to back (8)
[25-32] Sailor Heel, Snap, Ball Cross Out Out, Snap, Knee Pops
1&2Cross RF behind LF (1), Step LF to L side (&), Touch R heel to R diagonal (2)
3&4Snap both hands out by sides (3), Step ball of RF next to LF (&), Cross LF over RF (4)
&5,6Step RF out to R side (&), Step LF out to L side (5), Snap both hands out by sides (6)
&7&8Pop both knees forward lifting heels off the ground (&), Return knees and heels back to normal (7), Pop both knees forward lifting heels off the ground (&), Return knees and heels back to normal (8) (End with weight on LF)
For any questions feel free to reach out to me at
Last Update: 20 Jan 2024