What a Night!
Lidia Landon Michael (USA) - December 2022
What A Night - Flo Rida
Intro: hold 8 Counts.
Section 1: Side rock, recover, together/ Front rock recover, together/ step front, cross, back, side
1&2R Rock side, L recover, R step together
3&4L Rock front, R recover, L step together
5-6R Step forward, L step forward (slightly cross R foot)
7-8R step back. L step side making 1/4 turn to face 9:00
Section 2: Triple forward/ touch in, out, in / step forward, pivot ½ / step forward, touch in
1&2R shuffle forward
3&4L touch in, L touch side, L touch in
5-6L step forward, pivot ½ to R to face 3:00
7-8L step forward, R touch in
Last Update: 3 Jan 2023