À Chaque Pas
Improver / Intermediate
Angéline Fourmage (FR) & Maryse Fourmage (FR) - 12 October 2022
À chaque pas - Õ C'EST NOUS
Start: 5 s. approximately (On the lyrics: “Sur la ligne de départ”)
Sequence: A-16-A-8-A-16-A-A-8-A-A
[1-8] Walk, Walk, Triple step, Step turn ½ R, Walk, Walk
3&4RF FW, LF next to RF, RF FW
5-6LF FW, ½ R
7-8LF FW, RF FW (For restart: Make R touch next to LF)
[9-16] Triple step, Out, Out, Ball, Cross, Step turn ½ L, ¼ L
1&2LF FW, RF next to LF, LF FW
3&4&RF to the R side, LF to the L side, RF behind LF, Cross LF over RF
5-6RF FW, ½ L
7-8RF FW, ¼ L (Restart)
[17-24] Jazz Box, Rock step, Weave
1-2Cross RF over LF, LF back
3-4RF to the R side, Cross LF over RF
5-6RF to the R side, Recover to LF
7&8Cross RF behind LF, LF to the L side, Cross RF over LF
[25-32] Toe strut, Toe strut, Rock step, Back, Jump (Option: Touch)
1-2L toe FW, Drop your L heel (option: bump)
3-4R toe FW, Drop your R heel (option: bump)
5-6LF FW, Recover to RF
7-8LF back, RF next to LF with jump (option: touch RF next to LF)
For end jump ¼R (12h)
For the level Beginner/Beginner+, watching our choreography “À Chaque Pas Hé”
Smile et enjoy the dance
Contact: maellynedance@gmail.com