Colorado Swing
Newcomer - Non-Country
Josh Buchholz (DE), Yvonne Rodomski (DE) & Denise Schroeder (DE) - October 2021
Colorado - Milky Chance
Intro 32 count
S1: Sailor R, Sailor Turn 1/4 left, walk, walk, sugar push
1&2RF behind, side, side
3&4LF behind, side with 1/4 left, side 9:00
5,6RF step forward, LF step forward
7&8RF Mambo forward, recover, RF back
S2: behind Cross, point, cross, point, Jazz box 1/4 turn left ending with touch
1,2LF behind cross RF, RF point right
3,4RF cross LF, LF point left
5,6,7,8LF cross RF, RF backward, LF side with 1/4 turn left, RF touch beside LF 6:00
S3: WCS Turn over left (slow), RF Kick ball cross 2x
1,2&RF Toe forward with hip bump, lower toe, Turn left 6:00
3&4LF Toe forward with hip bump, lower toe 12:00
5&6,7&8RF kick diagonal, ball, cross, RF kick diagonal, ball, cross
S4: Side Rock, ¼ turn Left, walk, walk, cross Rock, side Rock
1,2RF Side rock, recover 1/4 left 9:00
3,4Pivot turn L RF backward, pivot turn L LF forward 9:00
(Easy option: RF step forward, LF step forward)
5,6,7,8cross rock, recover, side rock, recover
Repeat - Have fun😎
Tag - After the 8th wall add a tag with 4 count
(Drowning in my sofa with my blood shot red eyes Riding rollercoaster till I see the sunrise)
1,2,3,4RF cross, point, LF cross point
Ending after wall 10:
When music ended, add a fast step turn to 12:00