Tired of Toein' the Line
Inge Vestergård (DK) - August 2021
Tired of Toein' the Line - Rocky Burnette
Intro: 32 counts. Start with weight on L foot.
Sec. 1: 2 x V-Step
1 - 4Step R fwd diagonal onto R, Step L fwd diagonal onto L, Step R back to centre, Step L back to centre
5 - 8Step R fwd diagonal onto R, Step L fwd diagonal onto L, Step R back to centre, Step L back to centre
Sec. 2: 3 x Walk Fwd, Hitch L with Clap, 3 x Walk Back, Touch
1 - 4Walk forward R - L - R, Hitch L leg and Clap both Hands Infront.
5 - 8Walk back L - R - L, Touch R beside L.
Sec. 3: Diagonal Step Touch with Claps (K-step)
1 - 2Step R to right front diagonal, Touch L beside R (clap)
3 - 4Step L to left back diagonal, Touch R beside L (clap)
5 - 6Step R to right back diagonal, Touch L beside R (clap)
7 - 8Step L to left front diagonal, Touch R beside L, (clap)
Sec. 4: Wine R with Touch, Wine L with ¼ turn L, Scuff
1 - 4Step R to R side, Cross L behind R, Step R to R side, Touch L beside R.
5 - 8Step L to L side, Cross R behind L, ¼ turn L stepping fwd on L, Scuff R beside L ( 9.00)
Start again
Contact: ingevestergaard56@gmail.com