Lovin' On You Wisconsin

Jeremy Quirt (USA) - June 2021
Lovin' on You - Luke Combs

Start Dancing on the Lyrics:

Section 1: Vine Right & Vine Left
1-2-3-4Step right to the right, cross step left behind right, step right to the right, touch left next to right.
5-6-7-8Step left to the left, cross step right behind left, step left to the left, touch right next to left

Section 2: Toe Struts
1-2Touch right toe forward, drop heel
3-4Touch left toe forward, drop heel
5-6Touch right toe forward, drop heel
7-8Touch left toe forward, drop heel
Optional Restart: Restart after the first 16 counts (after toe struts) on wall 4.

Section 3: Rocking Chair & Two 1/8 Counter Clockwise Turns
1-4Rock right forward, recover to left, rock right back, recover to left
5-8Make an 1/8 turn twice counter clockwise rocking side to side R, L, R, L. With each step on the R, make an 1/8 turn. (this is kind of like a pendulum and swinging your arms with your rock steps R,L,R,L)

Section 4: K-Step
(Diagonals) Step Forward, Touch, Step Back, Touch, Step Back, Touch, Step Forward, Touch
1-2Step forward to right diagonal with right, touch left next to right.
3-4Step back to left diagonal with left, touch right next to left.
5-6Step back to right diagonal with right, touch left next to right..
7-8Step forward to left diagonal, touch right next to left.

Then you are ready to start the dance all over.

Contact: Jeremy at wisconsincsd@gmail.com
Class information @ www.wisconsincsd.com

Last Update: 31 Jan 2025