Ay Ay Ja Ja

Inge Vestergård (DK) - October 2020
Gik I Byen Med Det Grimme Hold - Lars Lilholt

Intro: 8 counts after App. 4 sec - weight starts on left

There is 1 Restart: on Wall 4 facing 9 ó clock after 16 counts.

Sec. 1: Wine R, Cross, R Chasse, L Back Rock
1 - 4Step R to R side, Cross L behind R, Step R to R side, Cross L over R
5 & 6Step R to R side, Step L next to R, Step R to R side
7 - 8Rock L back, Recover on R.

Sec. 2: 2 x Side Touch with Clap, L Side Step, L Shuffle Forward
1 - 4Step L to L side, Touch R beside Lwith Clap, Step R to R side, Touch L beside L with Clap
5 - 6Step L to L side, Step R beside L
7 & 8Step L fwd, Step R beside L, Step L fwd. (Restart here on Wall 4)

Sec. 3: R Rocking Chair, R Rock Step, ¼ Chasse R
1 - 4Rock R fwd, Recover on L, Rock R back, Recover on L
5 - 6Rock R fwd, Recover on L
7 & 8¼ Turn R stepping R to R side, Step L beside R, Step R to R side (3:00)

Sec. 4: 2 x Cross Point, L Jazzbox, R Touch with Clap
1 - 4Cross L in front of R, Point R to R side, Cross R in front of L, Point L to L side
5 - 8Cross L over R, Step back on R, Step L to L side, Touch R beside L with Clap

Start again

Ending: Wall 14 starts on 12 ó clock. Dance up until the Jazzbox.
Make the first 2 counts of the Jazzbox, and then make a ¼ turn L stepping L to L side facing 12 ó clock.

Contact: ingevestergaard56@gmail.com
Last Update - 9 Oct. 2020