Made For Now

Fiona Murray (IRE), Roy Hadisubroto (IRE) & Sobrielo Philip Gene (SG) - June 2019
Made for Now - Janet Jackson & Daddy Yankee

Intro: Begin dance after16 counts
Note: Restart on wall 3 (facing 12:00) after 16 counts.
On the last wall (wall 7) complete a Full Reverse Paddle Turn in order to finish to the front.
[1 – 8] Side, Together, Chassé, Ball Cross, Hold, Side Mambo
1 – 2Step R to R side (1), Close L next to R (2) 12:00
3 & 4Step R to R side (3), Close L next to R (&), Step R to R side (4) 12:00
& 5 – 6Close L next to R and hitch R (&), Cross R over L (5), Hold (6) 12:00
7 & 8Rock L to L side (7), Recover on R (&), Close L next to R (8) 12:00
[9 – 16] Step R L, Press Step, Out Out, Hold, Knee Pops
1 – 2Step R backwards into R diagonal (Opening up your body slightly to 1:30) (1), Step L backwards into L diagonal (Opening up your body slightly to 10:30) (2) 12:00
3 – 4Press R towards R diagonal (3), Step R to R side (Squaring body up to 12:00) (4) 12:00
& 5 – 6Step L forward (&), Step R to R side (5), Hold (6) 12:00
& 7 & 8Pop both knees forward (&), Recover back to centre (7), Pop both knees forward (&), Recover back to centre (8) 12:00
** Restart here on 3rd wall. On count 8, weight ends on L after knee pops
[17 – 24] Ball Cross, Side, Sailor ¼ Turn L, Rock Ball Step x2
& 1 – 2Close L next to R (&), Cross R over L (1), Step L to L side (2) 12:00
3 & 4Cross R behind L (3), ¼ Turn L and Step L forward (&), Step R to R side (4) 9:00
5 a 6Rock L backwards on ball of foot (5), Recover on R (a), Step L to L side (6) 9:00
7 a 8Rock R backwards on ball of foot (7), Recover on L (a), Step R to R side (8) 9:00
[25 – 32] Ball Side, Hold, Cross, ¼ Turn L, Step Sweep x2, Pony Step
& 1 – 2Close L next to R (&), Step R to R side (1), Hold (2) 9:00
3 – 4Cross L over R (3), ¼ Turn L and Step R backwards (4) 6:00
5 – 6Step L backwards while sweeping R from front to back (5), Step R backwards while sweeping L from front to back (6) 6:00
7 & 8Step L back and Hitch R knee (7), Recover in place on ball of R (&), Step L back and Hitch R (8) 6:00
[33 – 40] Walk R L, Triple Step Forward, Walk L R, Triple Step Forward
1 – 2Step R forward (1), Step L forward (2) 6:00
3 & 4Step R forward (3), Step L forward (&), Step R forward (4) 6:00
5 – 6Step L forward (5), Step R forward (6) 6:00
7 & 8Step L forward (7), Step R forward (&), Step L forward (8) 6:00
Option: On both Triples forward you have a styling option to do the triple on the balls of your feet and make the triple go from high to low, with the added option to use both arms creating an ‘S’ shape.
[41 – 48] Press R, Together, Press L, Together, ¾ Turn Reverse Paddle
1 – 2Press R forward (1), Close R next to L (2) 6:00
3 & 4Press L forward (3), Close L next to R (4) 6:00
5 – 6⅛ Turn R Pressing R to R side (6), ¼ Turn R Pressing R to R side (6) 3:00
7 – 8¼ Turn R Pressing R to R side (7), ⅛ Turn R Pressing R to R side (8) 3:00
[49 – 56] Stanky Leg, Hitch, Rock, Recover, Shuffle
1 – 2Keeping weight on L, touch R backwards and roll R ankle clockwise (1), Roll R ankle clockwise while slowly transferring weight onto R (2) 3:00
3 – 4Roll R ankle clockwise while finishing transferring weight onto R (3), Hitch L knee (4) 3:00
5 – 6Rock L forward and bend L knee (5), Recover backwards on R (6) 3:00
7 – 8Step L forward (7), Close R next to L (&), Step L forward (8) 3:00
[57 – 64] Side Mambo, Cross, Mambo, Cross, Jazzbox ¼ Turn R
1 & 2Rock R to R side (1), Recover on L (&), Cross R over L (2) 3:00
& 3 – 4Rock L to L side (&), Recover on R (3), Cross L over R (4) 3:00
5 – 6Cross R over L (5), ¼ Turn R and Step L backwards (6) 6:00
7 – 8Step R to R side (7), Cross L over R (8) 6:00