Go With It
Phrased High Beginner
Julie Flynn - April 2018
Go With It (feat. Chris Carmack, Jonathan Jackson, Sam Palladio & Rainee Blake) - Nashville Cast
Intro – 16 counts from 1st downbeat. Do 4 slow rocking chairs as warmup during those 16 counts
Sequence: A, A (6:00)*, B, B (12:00), Heel Section (12:00), Just Weaves Tag (9:00),
A (6:00), B, B (12:00), Heel Section (12:00), Bridge (12:00),
B, B (6:00), Short Heel Section (12:00) .*
* (Clock Numbers indicate the wall where you end after each section.)
Notes: The Bridge, Just Weaves Tag, and Short Heel Section are done just once.
All turns are to the left, as you continually do full circles back to the 12:00 wall.
Section A - 16 counts
A1: Scissors x 4 moving only slightly forward, Right Weave, Left Weave with ¼ turn left
1&2Step RF to R, step L next to R, cross R over l
3&4Step LF to L, Step R next to L, cross L over R
5&6Step RF to R, step L next to R, cross R over L
7&8Step LF to R, Step R next to L, cross L over R
A2: Right 8-step Weave, Left 8-step Weave with ¼ turn left
1&2&3&4&Step RF to R, L behind, R to side, cross L over R, R to side, L behind, R to side, L touch
5&6&7&8&Step LF to L, R behind, L to side ,cross R over L, L to side, R behind, L turn ¼ left & R touch
Section B - 16 counts
B 1: Rock, Recover, Crossing Triple
1, 2Rock Right, Recover on L
3&4Cross R over L, Step L, Cross R over L
5, 6Rock Left, Recover on R
7&8Cross L over R, Step R, Cross L over R
B 2: Rhumba Box forward, Rhumba Box Back with ¼ turn to the left
1&2&Step R to right, Step L together with R, Step R forward, Hold
3&4&Step L to left, Step R together with L, Step L back, Hold
5&6&Step R to right, Step L together with R, Step R back, Hold
7&8&Step L to left, R together with L, Step L ¼ left, Hold
Just Weaves Tag – 8 counts – do just once
Do two 8-step Weaves, turning ¼ left on the second weave (9:00)
(See Section A for more detailed description)
Heel Section – 16 counts
Four Heel taps, 3-step ¼ turn left
1&2&4 Heel Taps on R Heel
3&4&Step back R, Step L ¼ left, Step R next to L, Hold
5&6&4 Heel Taps on L
7&8&Step back L, Step R ¼ left, Step L next to R, Hold
(9-16): Repeat previous 8 steps to circle back to front (12:00) wall
Bridge - 32 counts, do just once
Two Rocking chairs, Four Heel Tap Turns, Two Rocking Chairs, Four Scissors
1-4Rock Forward on R, Recover on L, Rock Back on R, Recover on L
5-8Repeat previous 4 steps
1&2&2 R Heel Taps, Step R back turning ¼ to left, Hold
3&4&2 L Heel Taps, Step L back, turning ¼ to left, Hold
5-8Repeat previous 8 steps, to circle back to front (12:00) wall
1-82 Rocking chairs (see description above)
1-84 scissors steps ( described in Part A) moving only slightly forward
Short Heel Section – 16 counts, do just once:
(1-16): Do Heel Section through count 8. On 3rd “heel” don’t turn, and on 4th “heel” just tap L heel, step L back for counts 5 and 6 ( take weight), and then “roll”….to keep it ”Rolling” to finish 16 counts.
You will end on the Front (12:00) Wall
Contact: joejulieflynn@hotmail.com