Carolina Moon (Partner or Line)
Unknown - August 2017
Carolina Moon - Annette Hanshaw
** Choreographed for the North Carolina Square Dance Convention
Start in Sweetheart position
[1 - 6] Man and Woman WALTZ FORWARD TWICE
1 - 3Right forward, Left forward next to right, Right in place
4 - 6Left forward, Right forward next to left, Left in place
[7 -12] Man and Woman WALTZ BACK TWICE
1 - 3Right back, Left back next to right, Right in place
4 - 6Left back, Right back next to left, Left in place
1 - 3Cross right over left, Left next to right, Right in place
4 - 6Cross left over right, Right next to left, Left in place
1 - 3Cross right over left, Left next to right, Right in place
4 - 6Cross left over right, Right next to left, Left in place
[25-33] Man and Woman WALTZ TURNS
Hold On To Left Hands DO NOT LET GO
1 - 3Man: Turns to his left 1/2 under woman’s left arm, R L R
1 - 3Woman: Waltz forward, R L R
4 - 6Man: Waltz backward, L R L
4 - 6Woman: Turns left 1/2 under man’s left arm, L R L
1 - 3Man and Woman: Waltz forward turning 1/2 left to face front, R L R
(back in Sweetheart position)
[34-36] Man and Woman WALTZ BACK
4 - 6Left back, Right next to left, Left in place
Last Update – 11th Sept 2017