Rivers of Babylon EZ

Easy Beginner
Molly Yeoh (MY) - October 2016
Rivers of Babylon (Remix) - Boney M.

NOTE: Advisable to use the remix version as published here ON THE RIGHT so the 4 count Tag comes in nicely. TQVM

Intro : 32 count from singing " ..ah...ah...ah. ."

Section 1: FWD TOUCH (X2) BACK TOUCH(X2)
1 2Right fwd, Left touch or point to left(apart)
3 4L fwd, R touch to R (apart)
5 6R step back, L touch to L side(apart)
7 8L step back, R touch to R side(apart)

Section 2: Step back, touch, hip bumps ,1/4 L turn
1 2Step R back, L touch close to R
3 4bump hips(lift left hip up) , and bump down @3 and repeat @ 4
5 6bump hips repeat as per 3 4
7 8Step L down with a ¼ L turn, R step beside L

Section 3: Vine to Right, vine to left, ¼ L turn
1 2 3 4Step R to R, L step behind R, R step to R, L touch or step beside R
5 6 7 8Step L to L, R step behind L, L step fwd with a ¼ L turn, R touch or step beside L(6.00 o’clock)

Section 4: Chasse Right, Rock back recover, chasse Left, Rock back recover
1&2Step R to R, L step beside R, step R to Right,
3 4Step L back, recover on R
5&6Step L to L, R step beside, L, step L to L
7 8Step R back, recover on L

Tag: End of wall 4, SWAY R, HOLD, SWAY L, HOLD

1-4sway to right (1 2), sway to Left (3 4) and Restart (facing 12 o’clock)

Last Wall do Section 1 - 1 2 3 4 End of dance! (12 o’clock)

Specially choreographed so new beginners can enjoy this beautiful music too! ENJOY!

Contact: suanyeoh@hotmail.com

Last Update: 25 Dec 2024