In the Closet
Roy Hadisubroto (IRE) & Linda McCormack (UK) - March 2016
In the Closet (Single Version) - Michael Jackson
#32 count intro, start on vocals - Phrase: AA BA TagA(16 count) Restart AA BA TagA TagA AA TagAA
Part A – 32 counts
A[1-8]. Walk x2, 1/8th ballchange x2, step, ¼ sweep, 1/8th sailor step, ¼ step.
1,2Walk R (1); walk L (2);
&3&41/8th to the L into the 1130 wall take weight back onto the RF (&); recover weight forward onto LF (3); take weight back onto the RF (&); recover weight forward onto LF (4);
&5.Step slightly forward on RF (&); ¼ turn stepping back onto LF whilst sweeping RF (5);
6&7,8.Turning 1/8th to the R (3.00 wall) step back R (6); step LF together with R (&); step forward on RF (7); ¼ turn to the R stepping LF to L side (6.00 wall) (8);
A[9-16]. Sailor ¼ turn, sailor ½ turn, full turn, hold, step, step.
1&2,3&4.R sailor ¼ turn (9.00 wall) (1&2); L sailor ½ turn (3.00 wall)(3&4);
5,6.Full turn over R (keeping feet in place- you will finish turn with RF locked over L, back to 3.00 wall) (5,6);
7&8.Hold (7); step slightly forward on RF (&); forward on LF (8);
A[17-24]. Travelling R- toes out , in, out, hip roll, touch, together, cross, side, drag, together, cross.
1&2.L heel turns in, R toe out (V shape with feet) (1); R heel turns out, L toe turns in (/\ shape with feet) (&); L heel turns in, R toe out (V shape with feet) (2);
3,4&5.Hip roll round from L to R (taking weight onto RF)(3); touch L toe in place (4); step LF together next to R (&); cross RF over L (5);
6,7&8.Large step to L with LF (6); drag RF in (7); step RF together with L (&); cross LF over R (8);
A[25-32]. ¼ turn press, recover, together, press, recover, together, walk back x2, together, cross, ¾ unwind (3.00 wall)
1,2&.¼ R (6.00 wall) press forward on RF (1); recover weight back onto LF (2;); step RF together next to L (&);
3,4&.Press forward on LF (3); recover weight back onto RF (4); step LF together next to R (&);
5&6.Step diagonally back onto RF (5); collect LF to R (&);step diagonally back onto LF (6);
&7,8.Step RF next to L (&); cross LF over R (7); unwind ¾ over R (3.00 wall) (8);
Part B (nightclub section) – 16 counts
B[1-8] R nightclub basic, ½ turn sweep, cross behind, side, cross rock recover, together, cross rock recover, together.
1,2&R side (1); rock LF slightly behind R (2); recover weight to RF crossing slightly over the L (&);
3,4&½ turn stepping back on the LF whilst sweeping the RF round (3); cross the RF behind the L (4); step LF slightly to L side (&);
5,6&cross RF over L (5); recover weight back onto the LF (6); step RF next to L (&);
7,8&cross LF over R (7); recover weight back onto the RF (8); step LF next to R (&);
B[9-16] ¼ sweep, cross, side, behind, sweep, behind, side, 1/8th rocking chair, 3/8th jazz box, jump x2
1,2&whilst stepping forward on the RF turn a ¼ to the R sweeping the LF round (1); cross LF over R (2); step RF slightly to the R (&);
3,4&step LF behind R whilst sweeping RF round (3); cross RF behind L (4); step LF slightly to L (&);
5&6&1/8th into the 130 wall rock forward on the RF (5); recover weight back onto the LF (&); rock back on the RF (6); recover weight forward onto the LF (&)
7&8&asquaring up to the 3.00 wall cross RF over L (7); ¼ turn stepping back on the LF (&); step slightly forward on RF (8); jump forward on both feet should width apart (&); jump forward on both feet again (a);
Repeat last 8 counts of part A except count 1 is as follows (no ¼ turn right):
1 - Press forward on RF (1)
Last Update - 11th April 2016