Earned It
Phrased Intermediate / Advanced waltz
Julia Wetzel (USA) - January 2015
Earned It - The Weeknd : (from Fifty Shades Of Grey - fade out at 3:45 recommended)
Intro: 24 counts (approx.12 seconds into track, 3 counts before start of lyrics)
Sequence: ABB ABB ABB - (Try to travel towards 6:00 during Part A)
PART A: (Part A always starts at 12:00 and ends at 6:00)
A[1 – 12] Step, Drag, ½ Basic, Back Basic, Step, ¼ Side, Behind
1 2 3Step R fw (1), Drag L to R over 2 counts (2-3) 12:00
4 5 6Step L fw (4), ½ Turn left step R back (5), Step L back slightly past R (6) 6:00
1 2 3Step R back (1), Step L next to R (2), Change weight to R (3) 6:00
4 5 6Step L fw (4), Turn ¼ left step R to right side (5), Step L behind R (6) 3:00
A[13 – 24] Lunge, Hold, ¼ Back, ½ , ¼ Side, Cross Rock, Side, Cross Rock, Side
1 2 3Lunge R to right side (1), Hold and sweep left arm across from left to right over 2 counts (2-3) 3:00
4 5 6¼ Turn right step back on L (4), ½ Turn right step R fw (5), ¼ Turn right step L to left side (6) 3:00
1 2 3Rock R over L (1), Recover on L (2), Step R to right side (3) 3:00
4 5 6Rock L over R (4) ), Recover on R (5), Step L to left side (6) 3:00
A[25 – 36] Cross, ¼, ¼, Step, Hold, Back, Full Turn, Step, Hold
1 2 3Cross rock R over L (1), ¼ Turn right step back on L (2), ¼ Turn right step R fw (3) 9:00
4 5 6Step L fw and throw left arm up as if tossing confetti (4), Hold for 2 counts (5-6) 9:00
1 2 3Step R back (1), ½ Turn left step L fw (2), ½ Turn left step R slightly back (3) 9:00
4 5 6Step L fw (4), Hold for 2 counts (5-6) 9:00
A[37 – 48] Back, Full Turn, Twinkle, ¼ Twinkle, Spiral, Step
&1 2 3Recover on R (&), ½ Turn left step L fw (1), Continue another ½ Turn left on ball of L (total = full turn) while sweeping R all the way around (2-3) 9:00
4 5 6Cross R over L (4), Step L to left side (5), Open body to right diag. and step R to right side (6) 9:00
1 2 3Cross L over R (1), Step R to right side (2), ¼ Turn left step L fw (3) 6:00
4 5 6Step R fw and spiral full turn left on R over 2 counts (4-5), Step L fw (6) 6:00
B[1 – 12] Fw Basic, Back Basic, Step, Step, ¼ Pivot, Cross, Point, Hold
1 2 3Step R fw (1), Step L next to R (2), Change weight to R (3) 6:00
4 5 6Step L back (4), Step R next to L (5), Change weight to L (6) 6:00
1 2 3Step R fw (1), Step L fw (2), Pivot ¼ Turn right step R to right side (3) 9:00
4 5 6Cross L over R (4), Point R to right side (5), Hold (6) 9:00
B[13 – 24] ½ Sweep, Weave, ½ Sweep, Weave
1 2 3¼ Turn right step fw on R (1), Continue another ¼ turn right sweep L from back to front over 2 counts (total= ½ turn) (2-3) 3:00
4 5 6Cross L over R (4), Step R to right side (5), Step L behind R (6) 3:00
1 2 3¼ Turn right step fw on R (1), Continue another ¼ turn right sweep L from back to front over 2 counts (total= ½ turn) (2-3) 9:00
4 5 6Cross L over R (4), Step R to right side (5), Step L behind R (6) 9:00
B[25 – 36] Side Rock, Behind, Side, Hold, Hip Sway/Roll, Side, Drag, 1¼
1 2 3Rock R to right side (1), Recover on L (2), Step R behind L (3) 9:00
4 5 6Strong step to left side with L (4), Hold for 2 counts (5-6) 9:00
&1 2 3 Sway/Roll hip to right side (&), Step L to left side (1), Drag R to L over 2 counts (2-3) 9:00
4 5 6¼ Turn Right step R fw (4), ½ Turn right step L back (5), ½ Turn right step R fw (6)12:00
B[37 – 48] Fw Basic, Back, Drag, Step, Point, Hold, 1¼, Step
1 2 3Step fw on L (1), Step R next to L (2), Change weight to L (3) 12:00
4 5 6Step back on R (4), Drag L to R (5-6) 12:00
1 2 3Step fw on L (1), Point R to right side (2), Hold (3) 12:00
4&5, 6¼ Turn right step R fw (4), ½ Turn right step L back (&), ½ Turn right step R fw (5), Step L fw (6) 3:00
Contact: JuliaLineDance@gmail.com, www.JuliaWetzel.com
Last Update - 29th Jan 2015