Colin Ghys (BEL), Alison Johnstone (AUS) & The Zezura Shona People - July 2020
Jerusalema (feat. Nomcebo Zikode) - Master KG : (iTunes / Amazon - 4:14)
Info: Start the dance after 32 counts - No Tags/ No Restarts
(Beginner option to repeat 32 counts of dance only!!)
S.1 Stomp Lft, Heel bounces, Switch (&), Stomp Rt, Heel Bounces, Switch (&)
1-2-3-4&Stomp Lft diagonally fwd, raise heel 3 times up and down (weight on Rt), Ball step Lft next to Rt (&)
5-6-7-8&Stomp Rt diagonally fwd, raise heel 3 times up and down (weight on Lft), Ball step Rt next to Lft (&) (12:00)
S.2 Heel Switches Lft, Rt, Lft, Rt, Ball (&), Cross Lft over Rt ¼ over Lft, Side, Cross, Side (9.00)
1&2&Lft Heel Fwd, Switch weight on Lft (&), Rt Heel Fwd, Switch weight on Rt (&)
3&4&Lft Heel Fwd, Switch weight on Lft (&), Rt Heel Fwd, Switch weight on Rt (&)
5-6-7-8Turn ¼ over Lft crossing Lft over Rt, Step Rt to Side, Cross Lft Over Rt, Step Rt to Side (9.00)
S.3 Touch Toe, Walk to Left, Touch Toe, Walk Back (9.00)
1-2-3-4Touch Lft toe to Lft turning body to 7.30, Walk Lft, Rt, Lft
5-6-7-8Touch Rt toe fwd squaring to 9 o’clock, Walk Back Rt, Lft, Rt
S.4 Step Side Lft, Hold, Ball (&), Side, Touch Clap, Side, Lft Together, Side, Lft touch Clap (9.00)
1-2&3-4Step Lft side, Hold, Ball step Rt into Lft (&), Step Lft side, Touch Rt next to Lft with Clap
5-6-7-8Step Rt to side, Step Lft together, Step Right to side, touch Lft next to Rt & Clap
(Option on 5-6-7-8 is to shimmy or chest pop as you step side together side touch)
(Beginners can simply repeat the above counts to have a 4 wall 32 count dance. Everyone will be dancing the same steps every Front and back wall…. )
S.5 Step Lft Fwd, Step Rt Fwd, Pivot ½ over Lft, Step R Fwd, Step Lft Fwd, Pivot ½ over Rt, Step L Fwd, Out (&) Out (9.00)
1-2-3-4Step Lft fwd, Step Rt Fwd, Pivot ½ over Lft, Step Rt fwd (3.00)
5-6-7&8Step Lft fwd, Pivot ½ over Rt, Step Lft fwd, Step Rt out diagonally (&), Step Lft out Diagonally (9.00)
S.6 Cross, Side, Behind, ¼ over Lft Step Fwd, Pivot ½, Pivot ½ (6.00)
1-2-3-4Cross Rt over Lft, Step Lft Side, Cross Rt Behind Lft, ¼ over Lft Stepping fwd on Lft (6.00)
5-6,7-8Step fwd on Rt, Pivot ½ over Lft, Step fwd on Rt, Pivot ½ over Lft
S.7 Run, Run (&), Run Fwd, Rock, Recover, Run, Run (&), Run Back, Rock, Recover
1&2 3-4Run Fwd Rt, Lft (&), Rt, Rock fwd onto Lft, Recover on Rt
5&6 7-8Run Back Lft, Rt (&), Lft, Rock Back onto Rt, Recover Lft
S.8 Step Side Rt, Hold, Ball (&), Side, Touch. Rolling Vine to Lft Cross (6.00)
1-2&3-4Step Rt side, Hold, Ball step Lft into Rt (&), Step Rt side, Touch Lft into Rt
5-6-7-8¼ over Lft Step Lft fwd, ½ over Lft step Rt back, ¼ over Lft step Lft side, Cross Rt over Lft
Start Again and enjoy this dance ;-)
NB This song became viral with a tribal challenge dance originating from Zezuru Shona people living in eastern Zimbabwe & bordering Angola, especially in the Murewa, Kizomba na Rua and Uzumba-Maramba-Pfungwe districts. It now has thousands of varying routines. We have included these steps in the 1st 32 counts of this dance and then choreographed an IMPROVER LINEDANCE that fits the phrasing of this great track of music whilst allowing instructors to have the option of having their BEGINNERS on the floor if they simply keep repeating the 1st 32 counts. If choosing this option then you will have all levels always dancing the front and back walls together at the same time…….We set out to maintain and respect the culture of the people, much as choreographers to Irish dance music do with incorporation of Irish steps from Lord of the dance for eg. Smile and have fun 😉
CONTACT – Alison by e mail
CONTACT – Colin by e mail
Last Update - 30 July 2020-R3