- Count 2 Wall Easy Beginner Music: Eight Days a Week - The Beatles
32 Count 2 Wall Absolute Beginner Music: Eight Days a Week - The Beatles : (Album: The Beatles Box Set - iTunes)
32 Count 2 Wall Beginner Music: Eight Days a Week - The Beatles
64 Count 4 Wall Intermediate Music: Eight Days a Week - The Beatles
64 Count 4 Wall Intermediate Music: Eight Days a Week - The Beatles : (Album: A Hard Days Night)
32 Count 2 Wall Beginner Music: Eight Days a Week - The Beatles
64 Count 4 Wall Intermediate Music: Eight Days a Week - The Beatles
64 Count 4 Wall - Music: Eight Days a Week - The Beatles
44 Count 2 Wall ultra Beginner Music: Eight Days a Week - The Beatles
- Count 4 Wall Intermediate Music: Eight Days a Week - The Beatles