CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Good Times COMIN' On

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Chris Watson (AUS) - August 2014
Good Time Comin' On - Jana Kramer : (iTunes)
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#16 Count intro, start with weight on L foot.

Point Toes R,L,R,R & Points toes L,R,L,L:
1&2&3&4Point R toe to R side, Step R together with L and point L toe to L Side, step L together with R and point R toe to R Side , Touch R toe to centre, touch R toe to R side
&5&6&7&8Step R together and point L toe to L side, Step L together with R and point R toe to R Side, step R together with L and point L toe to L Side , Touch L toe to centre, touch L toe to L side

Strut Forward, R,L,R double stomp L, toe strut back L,R,L double Stomp R:
&1&2&3&4&Step L together heel struts forward R,L,R taking weight onto R foot, stomp L foot next to R twice.
5&6&7&8&Toe struts back, stepping L toe back drop L heel, Step R toe back drop R heel, Step L toe back drop L heel, taking weight onto L, Stomp R next to L twice

Side Behind, Rock and step, repeat:
1,2,3&4Step R to R side, step L behind R, Rock R to R side, rock onto L and step R together with L
5,6,7&8Step L to L side, step R behind L, Rock L to L side, rock onto R and step L together with R
(Stying tip: On the rocks use your hips)

Step ¼ Pivot, shuffle forward, heel & heel & step forward touch together:
1,2,3&4Step R foot forward , ¼ pivot to your L, taking weight onto L, Shuffle forward R Stepping R,L,R (9 O’clock)
5&6&7,8Touch L heel forward, step L together and touch R heel forward , step R together and big step forward onto L , touch R next to L **

Rock, Replace kick, Coaster Step, ¼ turn twisting heels to L:
1,2,3&4Rock forward onto R, rock back onto L while kicking R foot forward, Step R foot back, bring L together with R and step R foot forward
5,6,7&8Step L foot forward, ¼ turn R pushing heels to L, twist to the right, heels, toes , heels. (12 O’ Clock)

½ pivot, Step to R side hips R,L,R, Flick Behind X 2, Swivel, Heel lift.
1,2,3&4Step L foot forward, pivot ½ Turn R taking weight onto R, step L to L side pushing hips L,R,L (6 O’clock)
5&6&7&8Flick R foot up behind L knee, step down onto R, Flick L foot up behind R knee, step down onto L, Swivel R (R toe to R side, L heel to L Side) back together, Pop up onto Your toes , lifting heels off the ground

[48] Counts Restart Dance

* At the end of wall 6 you will be facing the front add these 4 counts,
1&2&3,4Point R toe to R side, Step r together with L, Touch L toe to L side , step L together, Touch R toe to R side and touch R toe together then Restart dance as normal.

**Ending: You will be facing 9 O’clock wall, after your heel and Heel, Step L foot forward and turn to the front to finish dance dragging R together with L

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Last Update - 2nd October 2014

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