CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Laura Sway (UK) - August 2014
Maniac - Michael Sembello : (Album: American Anthems)
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Count In: 24 secs

[1-8] Grapevine Right, scuff ½ right, grapevine left, scuff ¼ left.
1234Step R to R side, step L behind R, step R to R side, Scuff L forward making ½ turn over R shoulder. (6.00)
5678Step L to L side , step R behind L, step L to L side, Scuff R foot forward making ¼ turn L. (3.00)

[9-16] Rocking chair Forward and back, Step pivot ½, step pivot ½.
1234Rock forward on the R, recover weight onto L, rock back on the R, recover weight on the left.
5678Step forward on the R, Pivot ½ L, step forward on the R, pivot ½ L.

[17-24] Step forward, clap, step ½ left, clap, step ¼ right, clap, step ½ left, Scuff right.
1234Step forward on the R, clap, step forward on the L making ½ turn L, clap (9.00)
5678Step forward on the R making ¼ turn R, clap. (12.00) step forward on the L making ½ turn L, scuff R foot forward (6.00)

[25-32] Right jazz box point, Turning vine Left, touch.
1234cross R over L, step back on the L, step R slightly to R side, point L toe to L side.
5678making a full turn over L shoulder step.. L, R, L, touch R beside L.
( Restarts all come in here on walls 2,5 and 9)

[33-40] Point right out, touch right in, step right side, touch left, rock back, recover, x2 left kicks.
1234Point R to R side,touch R beside L, step R to R side, touch L beside R.
5678Rock back on the L, recover weight onto R, x2 kicks forward with the L.

[41-48] Cross , point right, ¼ Monterey right, point left , kick left, slow coaster step
1234Cross L over R, point R to R side, turn ¼ R stepping weight onto R, point L to L side.
5678kick L foot forward, step back on the L, step R beside L, step forward on the L.

[49-56] Step right, together, x2 bounces, step left, touch, stomp , kick.
12&3&4Step R to R diagonal , step L beside R, both heels up down, up down.
5678Step L to L side, touch R beside L, Stomp R beside L, kick R forward.

[57-64] Step back, touch (clap) x4.
1-8Step R to R side, touch L beside R with a clap. Repeat, x4.

RESTARTS: WALLS, 2, 5, 9 after 32 counts.

[1-8] Step right, touch, step left touch, step right, touch, step left, touch.
1234Step R to R side, touch L to R, Clapping hands above head to the R. Repeat to the L, with hands above head to left.
5678Repeat counts 1-4 but the next 2 claps are low. ( to the right then left)


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