Commence after 16 counts (11 seconds)
Mambo forward, mambo back, side, rock, cross, step, cross, step, cross
1&2Rock forward on right foot, recover on left, right back
3&4Rock back on left, recover on right, left forward
5&Rock right to right, recover on left
6&7&8Cross right over left, left to left, cross right over left, left to left, cross right over left
Rock to left, recover with 1/4 turn right, step forward on left, walk, walk, out, out, in, in, raise & lower heels
1&2Rock left to left, turn 1/4 right & transfer weight to right, left fwd
3-4Walk forward - right, left (or full turn left)
5-6Step out right, step out left
&7Step in right, step in left
&8Raise and lower both heels
At the end of the music finish on step 5 of section 2 with a "stomp"
Mambo forward, mambo back, side, rock, cross, step, cross, step, cross
1&2Rock forward on right foot, recover on left, right back
3&4Rock back on left, recover on right, left forward
5&Rock right to right, recover on left
6&7&8Cross right over left, left to left, cross right over left, left to left, cross right over left
Rock to left, recover with 1/4 turn right, step forward on left, walk, walk, out, out, in, in, raise & lower heels
1&2Rock left to left, turn 1/4 right & transfer weight to right, left fwd
3-4Walk forward - right, left (or full turn left)
5-6Step out right, step out left
&7Step in right, step in left
&8Raise and lower both heels
At the end of the music finish on step 5 of section 2 with a "stomp"