CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Shannon McColgan - June 2015
Beachin' - Jake Owen
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Step together 4x
1-2step forward right, step together left
3-4step forward right, step together left
5-6step forward left, step together right
7-8step forward left, step together right

Quarter turn to right to face next wall: 2 heel jacks, step step jump out
& 1 & 2step right to side, step left behind, jump out right foot to right side and left heel out to left
& 3 & 4step left to left side, right behind, jump out left foot to left side and right heel out to right
5-6step right, step left behind
& 7-8jump right foot out to right side, left heel digs out to left, hold 8

Quarter turn to left to face next wall: Heel, heel, heel hook, heel, heel
1-2right heel out to front, hold 2
3-4left heel out to front, hold 4
5 & 6right heel hook heel
7- 8right heel to front, left heel to front

Rock recover, shuffle, step dig, step, step
1-2rock forward right recover left
3 & 4shuffle back right left right
5-6step left turn right dig right foot crossed in front of left
7-8step right step left

*Tag: occurs after the second time you do the 32 counts, after the fourth time you do the 32 counts, and after the sixth time you do the 32 counts
1-2swing hips right, right
2-3¼ turn right to next wall while swinging hips left, left
5, 6, 7, 8swing hips right, left, right, left

**Restart after the first 2 counts of the third time through

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