CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Dancing in the Palm of Your Hand

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Carol Cotherman (USA) - June 2014
I Don't Dance - Lee Brice
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32-Count intro.

Step, Rock, Recover, ½ Shuffle, Rock, Recover, ½ Shuffle
1-2-3Step right forward, rock forward on left, recover on right
4&5½ Turn left shuffling left, right, left (6:00)
6-7Rock forward on right, recover on left
8&1½ Turn right shuffling right, left, right (12:00)

Step, 1/2 Turn, Triple 3/4 Turn, Rock Back, Recover, ¼ Rock, Recover, Cross
2-3Step left forward, ½ turn right with weight to right
4&5¾ Triple turn right stepping left, right, left in place (3:00)
6-7Rock right back, recover to left
8&1Turning ¼ left rock right to side, recover to left, cross right over left (12:00)

Point, Cross, Side Rock, Recover, Cross, Point, Cross, ¼ Shuffle
2-3Point left to side, step left across right
4&5Rock right to side, recover to left, cross right over left
6-7Point left to side, step left across right (Move slightly forward on steps 2-7.)
8&1¼ Turn right shuffling right, left, right (3:00)
*Restart here on wall 3 facing 9:00. Pickup dance at count 2.

Step, ½ Turn, Shuffle, Cuban Hips Rock/Recover, Coaster Step
2-3Step left forward, ½ turn right with weight to right
4&5Shuffle forward left, right, left
6-7Rock right forward swaying and rolling hips, recover to left swaying and rolling hips
8&(1)Step right back, step left beside right, (step right forward) (1st count of dance) (9:00)


Wall 3: Dance 24 counts and Restart facing 9:00. Count 1 is the last step of your ¼ shuffle.
Wall 7: Dance 8 counts and Restart facing 12:00.

Ending (To end facing 12:00): At the end of wall 10, you will be facing 3:00. Dance counts
1-3,then add a ¼ left sailor (4&5), touch right beside left (6).


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