CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Rona Kaye (USA) - May 2014
Maneater - Daryl Hall & John Oates : (iTunes)
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Dance starts after 64 counts (during the opening instrumental)

Slow Stylized Walks:
1 2 3 4Stylized walk forward R (1), Hold (2), Stylized walk forward L (3), Hold (4)
5 6 7 8Repeat for 5 hold 6, 7 hold 8 [12:00]

“Mambo”, Triple Step Back:
1 2 3 4Rock forward R (1) Recover to L (2) Step back on R (3) Hold (4)
5 6 7 8Triple Back: Step L back (5), step R to L (6), Step L back (7) Hold (8) [12:00]

Coaster Step, Two Walks:
1 2 3 4Step back on R (1) Step L to R (2) Step R forward (3) Hold (4)
5 6 7 8Step forward L (5) Hold (6) Step forward R (7) Hold (8) [12:00]

½ Pivot Turn, Walk, “Look” Back To The L, Hold, “Look” Forward, Hold:
1 2Turn ½ to L (1) Hold (2)
3 4Step forward on R (3) Hold (4) [6:00]
5 6 7 8Turn your upper body L to “look” behind you over your L shoulder, (wt. changes to L) (5) Hold (6), Turn body to R to face 6:00, (wt. recovers to R) (7) Hold (8) [6:00]

Basic Nightclub, Step ¼ Turn, Pivot ½ Turn:
1 2 3 4Step L side (1) Hold (2) Rock R behind L (3) Recover wt to L (4) [6:00]
5 6 7 8Step on R as you turn ¼ R (5) Hold (6) Step forward L (7) Pivot turn ½ to R (wt is on R) (8) [3:00]

Triple Step, “Walking” Triple Step ¾ Turn:
1 2 3 4Step forward L (1) Step R to and behind L (2) Step L forward (3) Hold (4) [3:00]
5 6 7 8Step R slightly forward (5) Turn ½ to L transfer wt to L (6) Turn ¼ to L as you step R next to L (7) Hold (8) [6:00]

Toe Struts, Side Touches, ¼ Turn With “Hitch”:
1 2 3 4Tap L toe forward (1) Step down on L (2) Tap R toe forward (3) Step down on R (4) **Travel forward on the toe struts** [6:00]
5 6 7 8Touch L toe to L side (5) Step L “home” (6) Touch R toe to R side (7) Turn ¼ to R as you “hitch” R foot up and across L (8) [9:00]

Diagonal Lock Steps R and L:
1 2 3 4Step R forward and up toward diagonal R (1) Step L to R (2) Step R forward and up toward diagonal R (3) Hold (4) [9:00]
5 6 7 8Step L forward and up toward diagonal L (5) Step R to L (6) Step L forward and up toward diagonal L (7) Hold (8) [9:00]

End of dance!

**Add 16 count Tag after 4th rotation, facing 12:00, and after 6th rotation, facing [6:00].
Two Walks, Coaster:
1 2 3 4Walk forward R (1) Hold (2) Walk forward L (3) Hold (4)
5 6 7 8Step forward R (5) Step L next to R (6) Step R back (7) Hold (8) [12:00]
Two Walks, Coaster:
1 2 3 4Walk back L (1) Hold (2) Walk back R (3) Hold (4)
5 6 7 8Step back L (5) Step R next to L (6) Step L forward (7) Hold (8) [12:00]


Last Update 30th Sept 2014
DancingQueen July 14, 2014
This is a fun, very well choreographed dance to a classic song. I LOVE that Rona choreographed the dance in honor of Hall and Oates' induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

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