CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Trap !!! (K-Line Style)

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Phrased Intermediate / Advanced
Steven Huang - May 2014
Dance Sequence … AA-(16 counts), BBCC, REPEAT ALL AGAIN continue with…A-(16 Counts), HOLD 4 Counts with your own style, BBBB, C All the Way

Start: 16 Counts after the word…I’m Trap, start with Opening Style then continue

#16 counts Opening Style – with K-Pop attitude
1-3Punch your left hand knuckle down 3 times (with K-pop attitude)
4-6Cross L hand to R shoulder, Cross R hand to L shoulder, Push both hand out
7Pull R hand back push L forward with drag R foot back with L touch in front
8Pull L hand back push R forward with drag L foot back with R touch in front
**** Dance 2 times*****

PART A (32 Counts)
[1-8] Side Rock Together, Point Out Together with Knee Twist In, Knee Out ¼ Turn R, Hitch with Ball Step Forward & Knee Pop
1-2Rock R to R, Recover L
&3&4Step R next to L, Point L to L, Step together with Knee twist in
5-6Turn R knee out with ¼ turn R, Hitch R
&7&8Ball Step R together forward L with both knee Up & Down (Knee Pop) (3:00)

[9-16] Point R, ¼ Turn R, Point L, & Fwd Heel & Toe Back &, Step Fwd, Hitch/Hop, Side Drag
1&2&Point R to R Side, ¼ Turn R Step R Next to L, Point L to L Side, Step L Next to R
3&4&Touch R Heel forward, Step R Next to L, Touch L Toe Back, Step L Next to R
5-6Step forward on R, Hitch L
7-8Big Step L to L Side, Drag R with ¼ turn R with L together (9:00)

[17-24] Cross Hold, Side Rock Cross, Sailor ¼ Turn L, Step Fwd with Drag ¼ Turn L Touch.
1-2Cross L over R, hold
&34Step R to R side, Recover L to L with R cross over L.
5&6¼ turn L step L behind R, step R to R side, step forward on L.
7&8Step forward on R, ¼ turn L drag L to L side, touch R beside L (3:00)

[25-32] Cross Shuffle, ¼ Turn R Hinge, Side Rock Cross, Back Recover Forward
1&2Cross step R over L, step L to L side, cross step R over L
3-4¼ turn R stepping back on L hinge R
5&6Step R recover L, cross R over L
&78Back Rock L recover R forward with Step L forward (6:00)

PART B (16 Counts)
[1-8] Cross Recover, Side Recover Back Sweep Behind Side Cross, Heel Up x2, Twist Heel x2
1Cross L over R
2&3Step Back R, Step L to L, Recover R
&4Recover L back with behind with R start Sweep Behind (Slow 2 counts)
5&6Step R Behind L, Step L to L with R across L
&7Lift both heels up, recover both heels down
&8Twist both heels out, Recover both heels centre (12:00)

[9-16] Walk Back L-R-L-R, Drag back touch with clap 2 times x 2
1-4Walk Back L-R-L-R (with hand jogging like movement)
5&6Drag L back diagonal R & touch R in front together with 2 times clap
7&8Drag R back diagonal L & touch L in front together with 2 times clap

PART C – 8 Counts
1-2Cross L Step in front of L (facing diagonal R) weight on R, L Step Together
3-4Cross R Step in front of R (facing diagonal L) weight on L, R Step Together
5-6Cross R Fist to L Shoulder, Cross L Fist to R Shoulder
7-8Bring L Fist down to L, Bring R Fist down to R


Last Update – 22nd Aug 2014

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