CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Front Porch Junkies

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Phrased Intermediate
Jessica Carlson (USA) - January 2014
Front Porch Junkies (Remix) - Thomas Rhett
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Phrasing ABAB Tag ABABAA(8 counts)
Start with the words (16 count intro)

Part A: 40 Counts
Sailor steps, weave
1&2Step L behind R (1), step R To R (&), Step L to L (2)
3&4Step R behind L (3), step L to L (&), Step R to R (4)
5&6&7&8Step L behind R (5), step R to R (&), step L in front of R (6), step R to R (&), step L behind R (7), step R to R (&), step L in front of R (8)

Rock and Cross, Triple ¾ turn, cross rocks
1&2Rock R to R (1), Rock back on left (&), cross R over L (2)
3&4Step L to L (3), step R back ½ turn over R shoulder (&) (face 6:00), step ¼ turn L (4) (9:00)
5&6Rock R in front of L (5), rock back on L (&), step R beside L (6)
7&8Rock L in front of R (7), rock back on R (&), step L beside R (8)

Hip Sway, military turn with chaser, shuffle step
1,2,3&4Swing/Bump hips, right (1), left (2), right and right (3&4)
5&6Step forward with L (5), ½ turn over R shoulder (&) (face 3:00), step forward with L (6)
7&8Step forward with R (7), step together with L (&), step forward with R (8)

Cross Samba (2X), cross, slide ¼ turn left with shuffle step
1&2Cross L over R (1), step R to R (&), recover weight on L (2)
3&4Cross R over L (3), step L to L (&), recover weight on R (4)
5,6Cross L over R (5), slide R back with a ¼ turn to the left (6) (face 12:00)
7&8Step forward L (7), step together with R (&), step forward with L (8)

Military turn, rocking chairs, cross and 1/2 spin
1,2Step forward with R (1), 1/2 turn over left shoulder (2) (face 6:00)
3&4&5&6&Rock forward on R (3), recover on L (&), rock back on R (4), recover on L (&), rock forward on R (5), recover on L (&), rock back on R (8), recover on L (&)
7,8Cross R over L (7), 1/2 spin (8) (end at 12:00, weight on right foot)

Part B – 16 Counts
Side rock with left hip roll, behind side front
1,2Rock L (1), roll left hip front to back, switch weight to right foot and pop right hip (2)
3&4Step L behind R (3), step R to R (&), step L over R (4)

Side Step, ¼ turn, shuffle
5,6Step R to R (5), ¼ turn to left (6) (9:00)
7&8Step forward R (7), step together with L (&), step forward with R (8)

Repeat (end facing 6:00)

Tag – 5 Counts - After 2nd time dancing Part B - Syncopated with music
Electric kick, jump out, jump in
1&2Jump back on L kicking R forward (1), jump forward on R (&), step L next to R (2)
3,4Jump up, step down with R (3), step down with L (4)
5Jump up slightly, just enough to lift your weight, being feet together weight on R (5)

Phrasing: ABAB Tag ABABAA(8 counts)


Last Update - 6th May 2014
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