CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Easy Intermediate
Adrian Churm (UK) - April 2014
Tribal - Imelda May : (Album: Tribal)
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Sec 1: Rumba box
1 – 4Step left foot to the side, close right next to left, step left foot forward, hold.
5 – 8Step right foot to the side, close left next to right, step right foot back. hold. (12)

Sec 2: Coaster step, diagonal lock step forward.
1 – 4Step left foot back, close right next to left, step left foot forward, hold.
5 – 8Diagonal lock step forward R.L.R to right diagonal, hold. (12)

Sec 3: Diagonal lock step forward, ¼ turn left.
1 – 4Diagonal lock step forward L.R.L, to left diagonal, hold
5 – 8Step right foot forward, ¼ turn left (weight ends on left), step right across left, hold (9)

Sec 4: ¼ Hitch turn right, ½ hitch turn right, shuffle forward.
1 – 4¼ turn right step left foot back, hitch right knee, ½ turn right step right foot forward, hitch left knee.
5 – 8Shuffle forward L.R.L, hold (6)
* 4th wall 8 count Tag and Restart here*

Sec 5: Rock forward, recover, step back, coaster step.
1 – 4Rock forward onto right foot, recover back onto left, step right foot back, hold
5 – 8Step left foot back, close right to left, left foot forward, hold. (6)

Sec 6: Forward hold, double Bounce ½ turn, coaster step
1 – 4Step right foot forward, hold, ½ turn left as you bounce heels x2 the weight ends on right.
5 – 8Step left foot back, close right to left, left foot forward, scuff right foot forward . (12)

Sec 7: Side toe strut, rock behind, weave left.
1 – 4Step right toes to the side, snap right heel down, rock left behind right recover forward onto right.
5 – 8Step left foot to the side, step right behind left, step left foot to the side, step right across left. (12)

Sec 8: Side toe strut, rock behind, weave right.
1 – 4Step left toes to the side, snap left heel down, rock right behind left recover forward onto left.
5 – 8Step right foot to the side, step left behind right, step right foot to the side, step left across right. (12)

Sec 9: Monterey ¼ turns x 2
1 – 4Point right to the side, ¼ turn right closing right to left, point left foot to the side, close left to right
5 – 8Repeat 1 – 4. (6)

Sec 10: Forward toe struts (optional tribal toe struts)
1 – 4Step forward onto right toe, snap right heel down, step forward onto left toe, snap left heel down.
5 – 8Repeat 1 – 4. (6)
Optional tribal struts lower and raise head on each strut whilst alternating arms back and forward

Sec 11: Run back, hitch, coaster step
1 – 4Run back R,L,R , hitch left knee up.
5 – 8Step left foot back, close right to left, left foot forward, hold. (6)

Sec 12: Lock (or shuffle forward), cross back.
1 – 4Lock step or shuffle forward R,L,R hold
5 – 8Cross left foot over right, hold, step right foot back, hold (6)

Sec 13: Side hold rock behind recover x 2
1 – 4Step left foot to the side, hold, rock right behind left, recover forward onto left.
5 – 8Step right foot to the side, hold, rock left behind right, recover forward onto right. (6)


Tag and restart on wall 4 dance up to and including all of section 4 then add the following tag then restart the dance from the beginning.
Tag Monterey ¼ turns x 2
1 – 4Point right to the side, ¼ turn right closing right to left, point left foot to the side, close left to right
5 – 8Point right to the side, ¼ turn right closing right to left, point left foot to the side, tap left next to right......Restart

Optional ending:-
Do the first 4 counts of the dance then stomp right foot to the side right arm out fist clenched as if holding a spear
Don’t be put off by the 104 counts its easy

Have fun happy dancing - Adrian

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Keith27 May 5, 2014
Usual high quality from Adrian

cheinric May 9, 2014
Love it!!!! Hey can you do another using Big, Bad Handsome Man by Imelda May???

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