CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Happy Superstar

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Judy Rodgers (USA) - April 2014
Superstar - The Overtones : (iTunes)
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Alternate music: Happy by Pharrell Williams; available

16 count intro - No Tags !!

Toe Strut, toe strut, kick step, kick step
1-4Touch R toe fwd, step down R, touch L toe fwd, step down L
5-8Kick R, step, kick L, step (make sure feet are shoulder length apart after kick steps)

Heel in, heel out (X 2), side rock, recover, touch, hold
1-4Turn R heel in, step R heel back home, turn L heel in, step L heel back home
5-8Rock R to side, recover L, touch R toe beside L, hold (clap)

Vine right ¼ turn, scuff, step, tap, step, kick
1-4Step R to right, step L behind R, turn ¼ right step R fwd, scuff L [3:00]
5-8Step L fwd, tap R toe behind L, step R back, kick L fwd (or hold)

Step back, sweep, back, sweep, coaster step, hold
1-4Step L back, sweep R from front to back, step R back, sweep L from front to back
5-8Step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd, hold (coaster step is straight count)

Step, lock, step, step, lock, step, stomp, hold
1-3Step R fwd, step lock L behind R, step R fwd
4-6Step L fwd, step lock R behind L, step L fwd
7-8Stomp R fwd, hold
** Restart here on wall 6 (‘stomp up’ with no weight to be able to restart on R)

Rock, recover, back, back, twist, twist, twist (turn ¼), sweep (or hold)
1-4Rock L fwd, recover R, step L back, step R back
5-8Twist heels left, right, left turn ¼ right (weight on L), sweep [6:00]
** Restart here on wall 3 (hold instead of sweep for restart wall)

Behind, side, cross, kick, step back, touch back, step, hitch turn 3/8
1-4Step R behind L, step L to side, cross R over L, kick L to left diagonal
5-8Step L back, touch R back, step R forward, hitch L around R 3/8 turn right [9:00]

Cross, side rock, recover, cross, turn ¼ step, turn ¼ step, step, hold
1-4Cross L over R, rock R to side, recover L, cross R over L
5-8Turn ¼ right step L back, turn ¼ right step R to side, step L fwd, hold [3:00]

There are 2 Restarts:
Wall 3 starts at 6:00 – dance the first 48 counts and Restart at 12:00
Wall 6 starts at 6:00 – dance the first 40 counts and Restart at 9:00

***NOTE: If using Happy by Pharrell Williams, there is a very quick intro….4 counts (count 5,6,7,8 immediately – dance starts on 5th hard downbeat)


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