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Au Revoir My Love, Goodbye

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Martie Papendorf (SA) - February 2014
Goodbye My Love Goodbye - Demis Roussos : (Album: Forever And Ever. - 3:55)
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1 Tag: Sway, touch, sway, touch

Intro. : Start on vocals after 32 counts [+/- 20 sec.]

#1: Fwd, Lock, Fwd, Step, Lunge, Hold, Back, Touch
1,2,3,4Step R fwd to right diagonal, Lock L behind R, Step R fwd, Step L fwd, [1.30]
5,6,7,8Lunge R fwd, Hold, Step L back, Touch R to L [1.30]
[Keeping on diagonal counts 1-8]

#2: Sweep step, Sweep step, Rock back fwd, Cross, Point left, Cross, Point right
1,2Sweep and step R behind L, Sweep and step L behind R,
3,4Rock R back, Recover L fwd to square up to wall, [12.00]
5,6Step R across L, Point L to left side,
7,8Step L across R, Point R to right side [12.00]

#3: Fwd, Back ¼ right, Fwd ¼ right, Brush, Fwd, 1½ turn right
1,2Rock R fwd, Recover L back making a ¼ turn right, [3.00]
3,4Step R fwd making a ¼ turn right, Brush L fwd, [6.00]
5,6Step L fwd, Make a ½ turn right stepping R fwd, [12.00]
7,8Make a ½ turn right stepping L back [6.00], Step R fwd making a ½ turn right [12.00]
Easier option count 7, 8:
7,8 Walk fwd L, R

#4: Cross, Back, Side, Cross, Side, Behind, Fwd ¼ left, Drag
1,2,3,4Rock L across R, Recover R back, Step L to left side, Step R across L,
5,6,7,8Step L to left side, Cross R behind L, Step L fwd making a ¼ turn left, Drag R fwd [9.00]

#5: Rocking chair, Scissor step turn ¼ left, Hold
1,2,3,4Rock R fwd, Recover L back, Rock R back, Recover L fwd,
5,6,7,8Step R fwd, Make a ¼ turn left stepping L next to R, Step R across L, Hold [6.00]

#6: Scissor step, Hold, Fwd, Lock, Fwd, Kick
1,2,3,4Rock L to left side, Recover R to right side, Step L across R, Hold,
5,6,7,8Step R to right diagonal, Lock L behind R, Step R to right diagonal, Kick L to diagonal [7.30]

#7: Back, Point right, Back, Point left, Back, Together, Side, Touch
1,2Step L back, Point R to right side,
3,4Step R back, Point L to left side,
5,6,7,8Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L big step to left side squaring up to wall, Touch R to L [6.00]

#8: Side, Behind, Fwd ¼ right, Hitch ball turn ¼ right, Back ¼ right, Lock, Back, Touch
1,2,3,4Step R to right side, Cross L behind R, Step R fwd making a ¼ turn right, [9.00] Make a ¼ turn right on ball of R hitching L next to R, [12.00]
5,6,7,8Step L back making a ¼ turn right [3.00], Lock R across L, Step L back, Touch R to L [3.00]

Tag after wall 4 [facing 12.00]:
Sway, touch, sway, touch
1,2,3,4Sway and step R to right side, Touch L to R, Sway and step L to left side, Touch R to L

Ending: Dance ends during wall 5, after Rocking chair of sec. 5 [facing 9.00]

To end facing 12.00 add:
1,2,3,4Rock R fwd, Recover L back, Step R to right side making a ¼ turn right, Touch L to R

Add 24 counts as the piano music continues for a short while with an “ending” of it’s own!-
1,2,3,4Rock L fwd, Recover R back, Step L fwd making a ½ turn left, Hold,
5,6,7,8Step R fwd, Make a ½ pivot turn left, Step L fwd, Touch R to L

1,2,3,4Rock R fwd, Recover L back, Step R fwd making a ½ turn right, Hold,
5,6,7,8Step L fwd, Make a ½ pivot turn right, Step R fwd, Step L next to R

1,2,3,4Sway right, Hold, Sway left, Hold,
5,6,7,8Sway right, Hold, Sway and step big step left, Hold
Bring arms fwd into open 1st position, palms up and out, Hold


Hann21921 April 15, 2014
Dear Martie, Wonderful choreographing. Thanks a lot. Best, Hann

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