CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Baby Rock'n Roll (+ arms)

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Gabi Beeler (CH) - November 2013
Sea of Cowboy Hats - Chely Wright
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Exercise Song: Old Time Rock n’Roll – Credence Clearwater Revival (BPM 124)

With arm variations for advanced beginners

[1-8] Heel R, Together, Heel L, Together (2x)
1Touch right heel forward /Same time snapping fingers with both hands to the right side 1:30
2Step right foot next to left
3Touch left heel forward /Same time snapping fingers with both hands to the left side 10:30
4Step left foot next to right
5Touch right heel forward /Same time snapping fingers with both hands to the right side 1:30
6Step right foot next to left
7Touch left heel forward /Same time snapping fingers with both hands to the left side 10:30
8Step left foot next to right

[9-16] Forward on Heels taking weight, return to place (2x)
1Step forward onto heel of right (toe off floor)
Right arm diagonal thrust out 1 :30 (Elbow angle of 90 degrees)
2Step heel of left shoulder width apart from right (toe off floor)
Left arm diagonal thrust out 10:30 (Elbow angle of 90 degrees)
3Step back on right
Right arm back home
4Step left next to right
Left arm back home
5Step forward onto heel of right (toe off floor)
Right arm diagonal thrust out 1 :30 (Elbow angle of 90 degrees)
6Step heel of left shoulder width apart from right (toe off floor)
Left arm diagonal thrust out 10:30 (Elbow angle of 90 degrees)
7Step back on right
Right arm back home
8Step left next to right
Left arm back home

[17-24] Rock Forward, Rock Back (Rocking Chair), Step, Pivot half turn Left (x2).
1, 2Rock right forward, Recover to left
3, 4Rock right back, Recover to left
5, 6Step forward on Right, Pivot half turn Left (Facing 6 o’clock)
7, 8Step forward on Right, Pivot half turn Left (Facing 12 o’clock)

[25-32] Jazz Box, Jazz Box with ¼ Turn Right
1, 2Cross right over left, Step left back
3, 4Step right to side, Step left together
5, 6Cross right over left Step left back
7, 8Turn ¼ right and step right forward, Step left together

Start again .....


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