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A nippy little dance. Lots of space for improv. and styling!
1Rt step to Rt side,
2&3Lt cross behind Rt, Rt step to Rt side, Lt cross over Rt,
4Rt step to Rt side,
5&6Lt cross behind Rt, Rt step to Rt side, Lt cross over Rt,
7Rt step to Rt side,
8Lt toe touch forward and across Rt,
&9Lt step back, Rt cross over Lt,
10Lt step to Lt side,
11Pivot ½ turn Rt and step Rt foot to Rt side,
12&13Lt cross shuffle,
14Rt foot step to Rt side,
15Pivot a ½ turn Lt and step Lt foot to Lt side,
16Rt toe touch forward and across Lt,
&17Rt step to Rt side, step Lt across the front of Rt,
19Rt foot step a ¼ turn Rt,
20Lt foot step forward,
21Pivot a ½ turn Rt,
22Lt foot step forward,
23-24Making a full turn Lt walk forward Rt, Lt, (lifting hands up to ears as headphones)
25-26Rt foot step forward, Lt foot kick forward,
&27Lt step back, cross Rt over Lt,
28Lt step to Lt side,
29&30Rt step behind Lt, Lt step to Lt side, Rt cross over Lt,
31&32Lt side shuffle to Lt side…
9th wall
31&32Lt side shuffle to Lt side,
&33-34Rt step next to Lt, Lt step to side, Rt foot kick across Lt…
A nippy little dance. Lots of space for improv. and styling!
1Rt step to Rt side,
2&3Lt cross behind Rt, Rt step to Rt side, Lt cross over Rt,
4Rt step to Rt side,
5&6Lt cross behind Rt, Rt step to Rt side, Lt cross over Rt,
7Rt step to Rt side,
8Lt toe touch forward and across Rt,
&9Lt step back, Rt cross over Lt,
10Lt step to Lt side,
11Pivot ½ turn Rt and step Rt foot to Rt side,
12&13Lt cross shuffle,
14Rt foot step to Rt side,
15Pivot a ½ turn Lt and step Lt foot to Lt side,
16Rt toe touch forward and across Lt,
&17Rt step to Rt side, step Lt across the front of Rt,
19Rt foot step a ¼ turn Rt,
20Lt foot step forward,
21Pivot a ½ turn Rt,
22Lt foot step forward,
23-24Making a full turn Lt walk forward Rt, Lt, (lifting hands up to ears as headphones)
25-26Rt foot step forward, Lt foot kick forward,
&27Lt step back, cross Rt over Lt,
28Lt step to Lt side,
29&30Rt step behind Lt, Lt step to Lt side, Rt cross over Lt,
31&32Lt side shuffle to Lt side…
9th wall
31&32Lt side shuffle to Lt side,
&33-34Rt step next to Lt, Lt step to side, Rt foot kick across Lt…